Course code
SPSC 5492
School-based Leadership
Sport Science
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture 2 hours
Lab 1 hour
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
A combination of lectures, group discussions and gymnasium time will be utilized to present the material. The gymnasium time will be used primarily to allow the students, under the direction of the course instructor to organize and participate in a variety of sports leagues, tournaments and fitness activities. A variety of audio-visual aids will be used including video, charts, and Power point.
Course description
This course will examine the school-based leadership role of the physical education specialist. Analysis of health and fitness based school initiatives, sports event and league management, tournament organization, and officiating, will provide leaderships skills and knowledge useful for practical applications in school, multi-school or district-wide settings.
Course content
- Objectives of intramural sport, extra-mural sport, club sport and health initiatives:
- The nature and scope of competitive sport programs and health and fitness initiatives in elementary and secondary schools.
- The purpose of and the values derived from participating in competitive sports programs and non-competitive fitness and health initiatives in schools.
- Similarities and differences between intra-mural sports, extra-mural sports, club sports and fitness and health initiatives.
- Management and administration of school sports events, leagues and health initiatives:
- Management principles and administrative considerations involved in school sports leagues and events and health and fitness initiatives relating to:
- purchasing and maintenance of equipment
- risk management
- student travel
- officiating
- facilities
- security
- public relations
- volunteers
- student leaders
- coaching qualifications
- sponsorship/fundraising
- awards
- affiliation with sports organizations
- budgets
- evaluation of the program
- Selection and organization of school sports leagues and tournaments:
- Matching student leagues and tournaments to the students needs eg: primary, intermediate, secondary.
- Planning, organization and conduct of selected leagues, and tournaments including:
- single elimination tournament
- double elimination tournament
- the round robin tournament
- extended tournaments eg: ladder, pyramid
- seeding and byes
- tiebreaking procedures
- Strategies for selecting and conducting school health and fitness initiatives
- The purpose and value of school-based health and fitness initiatives.
- Planning, organization and conduct of selected health and fitness initiative activities such as:
- Terry Fox Run
- Walk to school incentives
- 50 kilometer club
- Grade 7 ski program
- School sport issues and concerns
- Potential issues and concerns related to school sport including:
- legal liability
- violence
- student behaviour
- parental behaviour
- catering for Disabled student participants
- eligibility
- H.K. Bjarnason and L.J. Cannell: Organizing Events: Avoiding Risks and Promoting Safety GU 713 B526 1999
- D.M. Turco: The Wide World of Sport Programming GV 713 T879 1996
- L. Horine: Administration of Physical Education and Sports Programs GV713 H673 1995
- S. Graham: The Ultimate Guide to Sport Event Management and Marketing GV 713 G628 1995
- J. Solomon: An Insiders Guide to Managing Sporting Events GV 713 S555 2002
- C. Bucher: Management of Physical Education and Sport GV 343.5 B836 1993
- J. Byl: Organizing Successful Tournaments GV 713 B95 1990
Learning outcomes
On completion of this course the student will be able to:
- provide an overview of the objectives of intra-mural sports, extra-mural sports, club sports and fitness health initiatives in the school setting,
- successfully manage and administer school sports events leagues and health and fitness initiatives,
- select, organize and oversee relevant school sports leagues and tournaments,
- describe strategies for selecting and conducting school health and fitness initiatives, and recognize and resolve issues and concerns related to school sport.
Means of assessment
The selection of evaluation tools for this course is based on:
- Adherence to college evaluation policy regarding number and weighing of evaluations, for example a course of three credits or more should have at least three separate evaluations.
- A developmental approach to evaluation that is sequenced and progressive.
- Evaluation is used as a teaching tool for both students and instructors.
- Commitment to student participation in evaluation through such processes as self and peer evaluation, and program/instructor evaluation.
Textbook materials
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students
A list of recommended textbooks and materials is provided on the Instructor's Course Outline, which is available to students at the beginning of each semester.