
Teaching English Reading, Vocabulary, and Writing to Adult Speakers of Other Languages

Language, Literature & Performing Arts
Teaching English as a Second Language
Course code
TESL 1103
Semester length
15 Weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Course designation
Industry designation
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This is one of a group of five courses that together lead to a Douglas College Certificate in Teaching and Tutoring English to Adult Speakers of Other Languages. Students learn the theory and practice of teaching reading and writing skills to adult learners. They learn how to structure reading and writing activities and grade them to the level of the students, using resources. Students are introduced to techniques for teaching vocabulary to English as an additional language (EAL) learners. They develop classroom management and communication skills necessary to plan and teach reading, vocabulary, and writing to a specific group of adult EAL learners. The course is delivered in the hybrid format, with 2 hours/week in the classroom and 2 hours online.
Course content

Teaching Reading and Vocabulary Skills

  • principles for teaching reading
  • using and adapting reading materials (textbook, news stories, instructions, blogs, etc.)
  • tasks for presenting, practicing, and using new vocabulary
  • understanding vocabulary in context
  • stages in a reading lesson
  • reading assessment
Teaching Writing Skills
  • types of writing tasks at various levels of proficiency
  • the writing process
  • stages in a writing lesson
  • writing feedback – responding to errors
  • peer review of writing
  • writing assessment
  • using writing rubrics
Learning activities

This course is offered in the hybrid format. Some or all of the following methods will be used:

  • lecture/demonstration, both in person and online
  • large- and small-group discussion
  • pair work
  • microteaching to a small group of peers 
Means of assessment

Assessment will be in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. It will be based on learning outcomes and course content, and it will include, but need not be limited to, the following tasks:

  • at least two in-class quizzes
  • at least two reading and writing microteaching assignments
  • at least one evaluation assignment of student reading, vocabulary, and/or writing

Sample grade breakdown:

  • In-class quizzes worth up to 30% (total)
  • Reading and writing microteaching assignments worth up to 40% (total)
  • Evaluation of student reading, vocabulary, and writing skills assignment(s) worth up to 20%
  • Participation worth up to 10%
  • Total: 100%

Students in the program Teaching English as a Second Language are required to attain a minimum of 60% (C letter grade) in all courses.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 

  1. apply the basic theories of second language acquisition, the methodology, and approaches to teaching reading, vocabulary, and writing skills to adult EAL learners.
  2. identify level-appropriate vocabulary and collocations and develop strategies for teaching vocabulary in context and through structural analysis.
  3. select, adapt, and/or create appropriate resources for teaching reading, vocabulary, and writing to learners in different settings and at various skill levels.
  4. select and develop tasks for teaching EAL reading, vocabulary, and writing.
  5. respond to EAL learner writing in appropriate and constructive ways.
  6. identify and use appropriate means of assessment to measure EAL learner progress in reading, vocabulary, and writing.  
Textbook materials

A list of required and optional textbooks and materials will be provided for students at the beginning of the semester. Students may be required to purchase one or more of the following materials:

  • coursepacks
  • textbooks, such as MacMillan’s Learning Teaching by Scrivener, Cambridge’s A Course in English Language Teaching by Ur, or Pearson’s How to Teach Vocabulary by Thornbury.