Course code
THRT 1100
On-line Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition
Therapeutic Recreation
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
Flexible delivery ranging over 2-15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
60 hours
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Student self-directed on- line learning
- 1:1 instruction
Course description
This online course is for therapeutic recreation (TR) practitioners with at least two years of experience in the TR field who are preparing to earn credit toward a therapeutic recreation credential. Students will work with an instructor within an online environment and will learn how to use various methods of communication to support their completion of a wide range of prior learning assessments.
Course content
Self-assessment of therapeutic recreation knowledge, attitudes, values and skills.
- Reflection practices to demonstrate knowledge, attitudes, values and skills.
- Ways to link personal learning evidence to TR diploma and or degree themes and course learning outcomes.
- Resources that can be used for feedback.
- Development of learning objectives and plans to bridge gaps and improve abilities.
- Locating new learning resources and opportunities.
Critical thinking and problem solving across multiple contexts.
- Strategies to link learning to a variety of assessment situations.
- Strategies to problem solve issues as they arise, seeking assistance when necessary.
Communication Skills.
- Timely, regular, respectful communication in on-line course environment.
- Writing to show depth and breadth especially through on-line technologies.
- Investigation, incorporation and sharing of helpful resources.
- Soliciting, receiving and incorporating feedback.
- Professional skills such as meeting time lines, resolving conflict, and cooperating.
Computer related technologies.
- Knowledge and use of on-line course tools and skills in an on-line environment.
- Knowledge and use of distance based communications such as e-mail, phone and web cameras.
Learning outcomes
- Demonstrate self-assessment of therapeutic recreation knowledge, attitudes, values and skills.
- Demonstrate effective critical thinking and problem solving across multiple contexts.
- Demonstrate effective communication techniques.
- Demonstrate computer related technologies.
Means of assessment
- On-Line quizzes
- Self-assessments
- Reflective narratives
- Case studies
- Interviews
- Audio and/or Videotaped demonstrations
THRT 1100 is a Mastery course.
Courses earned as a result of THRT 1100 On-line Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition will be graded in the same way as stated in each course’s Curriculum Guideline.
Textbook materials
Permission of Faculty