Therapeutic Recreation Foundations

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
THRT 1101
Therapeutic Recreation Foundations
Therapeutic Recreation
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Course designation
Industry designation
Contact hours

Lecture: 4 hours/week

Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

In this course, students engage in a variety of learning activities such as lecture, discussion, group work, case studies, team-based exercises, and community experiences.

Course description
This course introduces the philosophical and theoretical concepts of therapeutic recreation. The theoretical concepts are examined and applied in the form of therapeutic recreation service models, which provide direction for the development and delivery of therapeutic recreation. Attitude development is explored while looking at sensitive terminology and empowerment of all individuals. The therapeutic recreation process of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation is introduced and applied in examining a broad range of consumer services. The development of therapeutic recreation as a profession is also addressed.
Course content

The following global ideas guide the design and delivery of this course.  Course content will be guided by research, empirical knowledge, and best practice.  The following values and principles, consistent with professional standards, inform course content:

  • Exploring the philosophical and theoretical basis for therapeutic recreation service that provide practitioners with a foundation of practice including humanism, positive emotion, strengths-based practice, and a person-centred approach
  • Understanding how personal and societal attitudes influence behaviour choices and choice of terminology towards people who are often viewed as marginalized
  • Exploring self-awareness develops inquisitive and contemplative practitioners
  • Knowledge of a variety of therapeutic recreation service models that informs and recognizes different approaches to practice
  • The therapeutic recreation process is essential to delivering intentional needs-based leisure interventions intended to bring about changes in leisure related knowledge, behaviour, or skills leading to increased quality of life and health
  • Exploring the development of therapeutic recreation historically provides context for reviewing current experiences and future opportunities
  • Purposeful leisure provides opportunities of empowerment, dignity of risk, interdependence, valued social roles, choice, self-efficacy and increased quality of life and health.
Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Explore the philosophical and theoretical basis for therapeutic recreation service
  2. Describe the inter-relationship between attitude development, intention, and behaviour
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of therapeutic recreation service models
  4. Describe the therapeutic recreation process
  5. Explain the development of therapeutic recreation as a profession
Means of assessment

Assessment will be based on course objectives and will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. An evaluation schedule is presented at the beginning of the course. This is a graded course.

Typical means of evaluation would include a combination of:

  • Testing
  • Written assignments
  • Presentations

Instructors may use a student’s record of attendance and/or level of active participation in a course as part of a student’s grade performance.  Where this occurs, expectations and grade calculations regarding class attendance and participation will be clearly defined in the instructor’s course outline and allowed for in the course curriculum guideline.

This course may have an assignment that has been identified as part of the TR Department Research Framework and therefore the assignment must be passed at a minimum of a C (60%) level in order for a student to achieve a C (60%) final grade in the course. Each course outline will clearly identify these research framework assignments if relevant.

Students in the TR program, both diploma and degree students, are required to attain a minimum of 60% (C letter grade) in all courses utilized for credit towards a diploma and/or degree in Therapeutic Recreation in order to progress in the program.

Textbook materials

Textbooks and materials are to be purchased by students.  A list of required textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of the semester.







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