Wellness Coaching

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
THRT 4905
Wellness Coaching
Therapeutic Recreation
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
Flexible delivery ranging over 1 to 15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
40 Hours
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
  • Lecture/Discussion
  • Role play coaching and feedback
  • Media
Course description
This experiential course introduces the theory and practice of coaching. Students will demonstrate the skills and qualities of a wellness coach as they create alliances with clients who are aiming to achieve high-level wellness and to manifest their full potential in life. Key concepts include: core coaching values and beliefs, essential wellness coaching concepts, skills and processes.
Course content

Coaching Values in Practice

  • Views people as creative, resourceful and whole
  • Values excellence, realizing maximum human potential
  • Acts upon the principles of self-determination and self-efficacy

Coaching Concepts

  • Co-Active Coaching
  • Active collaboration, alliance between coach and client
  • Fulfillment, balance and process
  • Coaching specialties

Core Wellness Principles and Coaching

  • Illness/Wellness continuum
  • Tenets of wellness
  • Dimensions of wellness, wellness models
  • Lifestyle improvement model

Health Coaching Skills and Qualities

  • Establishing a relationship based upon authenticity and connection
  • Levels of listening
  • Empowerment skills
  • Challenge skills
  • Designing a partnership, collaborating to achieve optimal potential
  • Holding the client’s agenda and moving action forward
  • Designing your niche as a coach
  • Wellness mapping:  assessment, planning, support and evaluation
Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. apply core coaching values to the coaching process
  2. analyze essential coaching concepts
  3. apply core wellness principles to the coaching process
  4. apply wellness coaching skills and concepts.
Means of assessment

This course will conform to Douglas College policy regarding the number and weighting of evaluations. Typical means of evaluation would include a combination of:

  • Written assignments
  • Presentations
  • Testing

This is a graded course.

Textbook materials

