Veterinary Laboratory Procedures 2

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
VTEC 1202
Veterinary Laboratory Procedures 2
Veterinary Technology
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
6 hours/week: 3 hours lecture / 3 hours lab
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

This course involves three hours per week of classroom instruction and three hours per week of laboratory activity.

Course description
This course will further develop veterinary clinical and laboratory skills, including transfusion medicine, serum chemistry testing, urinalysis, immunology and serology. Cytological techniques and microbiology are reviewed for all domestic veterinary species, with the emphasis on pathogens relevant to companion (small) animals. Enrollment is limited to students in the Veterinary Technology Program.
Course content

The major topics in this course include the following:

  1. Transfusion medicine
    - canine and feline blood types
    - blood typing techniques
    - cross matching of blood for transfusion
  2. Components of the Urinalysis
    -  review sample collection techniques
    -  gross evaluation, urine specific gravity, biochemical analysis and sediment preparation and analysis
  3. Immunological and serological testing
    -  ELISA, serum agglutination and precipitation tests
    -  serum protein electrophoresis
    -  antibody titers
    -  in clinic test kits (SNAP, micro well) for heartworm and FeLV/FIV
  4. Whole blood and serum chemistry
    -  sample collection and handling
    -  record keeping and lab requisition forms
    -  testing procedures
    -  quality control
    -  manual testing
  5. Endocrine and major organ testing
    -  thyroid gland function
    -  adrenocortical gland function
    -  glucose homeostasis
    -  hepatic function
    -  renal function
  6. Cytology and histopathology
    -  tissue sampling, collection and preservation techniques
    -  preparation and staining
    -  gross and microscopic tissue and fluid analysis
  7. Microbiology:
    -  pathogen (bacterial, viral, fungal) growth patterns, morphology, testing techniques and control methods
    -  sample collection, including use of culture media
    -  gross colony and microscopic organism evaluation including staining techniques
    -  biochemical analysis
    -  laboratory safety and quality control
    -  basics of antimicrobial sensitivity testing
Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  1. Describe veterinary blood types and perform blood typing and cross matching.
  2. Handle and prepare a urine sample, then perform a complete urinalysis.
  3. Perform serum chemistry profiles and recognize abnormalities.
  4. Describe common serological and immunological veterinary testing procedures.
  5. Collect, handle and prepare tissue and fluid samples for analysis.
  6. Apply staining techniques, use microbiological culture media and additional tests to identify microscopic organisms.
Means of assessment

The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. A final minimum cumulative grade of “C” or 60% is required (in both lecture and lab components) in order to pass this course. Evaluation will be based on quizzes and assignments, practical evaluations including a final practical examination, at least one midterm and a final written examination.

Textbook materials

A list of required and optional textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of each semester.








Which prerequisite