English Upgrading
Course List
Code | Course Description |
ENGU 0100 | Reading and Writing – Fundamental Level 1 This course is designed for non-readers. Reading and writing will focus on basic decoding, developing a sight vocabulary for spelling and reading, and introducing students to simple reading and sentence writing. Students will also work on reading environmental and workplace signs and other literacy tasks which they identify as personally relevant. The course will emphasize behaviours and learning skills appropriate to the classroom, community and workplace. |
ENGU 0115 | Reading and Writing – Fundamental Level 2 This course is designed for beginning readers and writers who want to continue developing basic decoding skills, increase sight word recognition and spelling, improve their comprehension of simple reading passages and begin writing groups of sentences. Students will identify short and long-term personal goals for literacy learning. The course will emphasize behaviour and learning skills appropriate to the classroom and the community. Job related skills will be identified and integrated throughout the course where appropriate. |
ENGU 0125 | Reading and Writing – Fundamental Level 3 This course is designed for students who require greater ability with reading and writing in order to achieve a functional literacy level. The reading focus is on comprehension and developing a range of decoding strategies, and the writing focus is on composing sentences and paragraphs and developing a range of spelling strategies. |
ENGU 0146 | Reading and Writing – Fundamental Level 4 This is an integrated reading and writing course. It is designed for students who need to develop and improve basic skills with composing and comprehending written texts and with meeting the demands of a college classroom. The course focuses on reading and writing as processes and attention is given to spelling and vocabulary development. Assignments and exercises include attention to current events and issues relevant to the students' lives. Attention is given to learning and study skills throughout the course |
ENGU 0150 | Reading and Writing – Fundamental Support 1 This course provides an opportunity for Literacy students to practice their reading and writing skills together in a classroom environment under the guidance of ENGU faculty. Students with different levels of reading and writing will continue developing comprehension and decoding strategies, increase sight word recognition and practice their spelling skills, sentence level writing, and write groups of sentences. |
ENGU 0156 | Reading and Writing Fundamental Level 5 This is an integrated reading and writing course. It is designed for students who need to develop and improve basic skills with composing and comprehending written texts and with meeting the demands of a college classroom. The course focuses on reading and writing as processes and attention is given to spelling and vocabulary development. Assignments and exercises include attention to current events and issues relevant to the students' lives. Attention is given to learning and study skills throughout the course |
ENGU 0200 | Reading & Writing Fundamental Support 2 This is a reading, writing and student skills course designed to assist those needing preparation for 200 level course work. Skills introduced/reviewed will include basic reading strategies appropriate to success and guided writing experiences designed to develop greater volume, clarity and precision of expression. Attention will be given to developing attitudes and behaviours appropriate to academic success. Reading materials will include newspaper and periodical articles and published essays as well as student essays. |
ENGU 0256 | Reading and Writing Fundamental Level 6 This is an integrated reading and writing course. It is designed for students who need to develop and improve basic skills with composing and comprehending written texts and with meeting the demands of a college classroom. The course focuses on reading and writing as processes and attention is given to spelling and vocabulary development. Assignments and exercises include attention to current events and issues relevant to the students' lives. Attention is given to learning and study skills throughout the course. |
ENGU 0355 | Reading/Writing Intermediate Level This is an integrated reading and writing course. It is designed for students who need to develop comprehension of academic text and the expression of ideas in a variety of formats including academic essays and reports. The course is appropriate for students who are preparing to write the GED exams, to enter vocational or career programs at a college level, or to enter the sequence of preparatory courses for university transfer reading and writing work. Reading work in this course will emphasize summing up main points, analyzing points of view and responding critically. Reading material used will be at an introductory college level. Writing work will require students to make use of information, concepts and analyses from their reading work and to employ these in developing academic organization, content and language in their writing. |
ENGU 0380 | Reading and Writing Intermediate Level 1 This is an integrated reading and writing course that prepares students to meet the prerequisites for ENGU 0390. It is designed for students who need to develop reading comprehension skills and academic writing skills. Emphasis will be on reading, summing up main points, analyzing points of view and responding critically. Reading material used will be at an introductory college level. Writing work will require students to make use of information, concepts and analyses from their reading work and to employ these in developing academic organization, content and language in their writing. |
ENGU 0390 | Reading and Writing Intermediate Level 2 This is an integrated reading and writing course that prepares students to meet the prerequisites of ENGU 480 and ENGU 0455. It is designed for students who need to develop comprehension of academic text and the expression of ideas in a variety of formats, including academic essays. The course is appropriate for students who are preparing to enter vocational or career programs at a college level, or to enter the sequence of preparatory courses for university transfer reading and writing work. Reading skills will focus on summing up main points, analyzing points of view and responding critically. Reading material used will be at an introductory college level. Writing work will require students to make use of concepts and analyses from their reading work and to employ these in developing academic organization, content and language in their writing. |
ENGU 0399 | Editing: Intermediate/Advanced Level This course supplements both ENGU 0355 and ENGU 0455. It is designed for students whose many grammar and usage errors create awkwardness and interfere with the intended meaning of their writing. Students will work at the word level, sentence level, and paragraph level to develop editing strategies for basic clarity and style, and proofreading strategies for errors in grammar, word choice, spelling, and punctuation. Journalistic readings will be used as prompts for brief composition practice. |
ENGU 0455 | Reading/Writing Advanced Level This is an intensive reading and writing course. It is designed for students who are preparing to do university transfer courses or who need support for the university transfer courses they are presently taking. Students will read academic material such as college-level textbook chapters and scholarly journal articles as well as journalistic sources. Emphasis will be on reading critically, developing a vocabulary to articulate ideas, and handling a college-level volume of reading. Skills covered will include summarizing lengthy academic text, researching databases on academic topics and diverse points of view, and participating in and leading academic discussion. Students will learn how to gather and organize information, avoid plagiarism, and follow conventions of documentation styles. They will produce research papers, and practice writing essay exams under time restraints. As well, their written expression and editing skills will be an important focus. |
ENGU 0480 | Reading and Writing Advanced Level 1 This is an intensive reading and writing course. It is designed for students who are preparing to do university transfer courses or who need support for the university transfer courses they are presently taking. Students will read academic material such as college-level textbook chapters and scholarly journal articles as well as journalistic sources. Emphasis will be on reading critically, developing a vocabulary to articulate ideas, and handling a college-level volume of reading. Skills covered will include summarizing text, and participating in and leading academic discussion. Students will learn how to utilize and organize information, avoid plagiarism, and follow conventions of documentation styles. As well, their written expression and editing skills will be an important focus. Students will learn to compose essays, analyze assignments, utilize and organize material, document sources, handle essay exams and use feedback to improve the expression of their ideas. |
ENGU 0490 | Reading and Writing Advanced Level 2 This is an intensive reading and writing course. It is designed for students who are preparing to do university transfer courses or who need support for the university transfer courses they are presently taking. Students will read academic material such as college-level textbook chapters and scholarly journal articles as well as journalistic sources. Emphasis will be on reading critically, developing a vocabulary to articulate ideas, and handling a college-level volume of reading. Skills covered will include summarizing lengthy academic text, researching databases on academic topics and diverse points of view, and participating in and leading academic discussion. Students will learn how to gather and organize information, avoid plagiarism, and follow conventions of documentation styles. They will produce a research paper, and practice writing essay exams under time restraints. Their written expression and editing skills will be an important focus. |
ENGU 0499 |
This is a 1.5 credit course for students who need focused practice in developing sentence level writing skills. It is designed for students whose many grammar and usage errors create awkwardness and interfere with the intended meaning of their writing. Students will work at the word and sentence level to raise their level of expression and develop editing strategies for basic clarity and style. They will also develop proofreading strategies for errors in grammar, word choice, spelling, and punctuation. |