Course List
Code | Course Description |
FINC 1230 |
This course will provide an understanding of time value of money and relevant business related mathematical concepts. Topics covered include simple and compound interest, annuities, sinking funds, mortgages, bonds, business investment decisions, linear and non linear cost-volume profit analysis. |
FINC 1231 |
This course will provide an understanding of time value of money and its applications. Relevant mathematical concepts will be used to solve business problems. After a basic review of underlying mathematical and algebraic methodology, the course covers the mathematics of merchandising, linear break-even analysis, simple and compound interest, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, bonds and investment decisions. |
FINC 2300 |
This course applies the six step financial planning process to basic financial planning scenarios. Topics include setting goals, creating personal financial statements, debt management and calculation of mortgage financing options. Savings and investment products are covered as well as the essentials of RRSPs, TFSAs, government benefit programs, and personal insurance. Taxation as it relates to long term personal financial planning is covered at an introductory level. In addition, an overview of the products and services available to individuals and businesses through financial institutions will be covered. |
FINC 2340 |
This course provides an introduction to the principles and tools required in financial decision making. Quantitative analysis involving time-value of money, risk return trade-off, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and corporate financing decisions will be covered. |
FINC 2345 | Introduction to Corporate Finance This course aims to provide a market-oriented framework for analyzing the major types of financial management decisions as they apply to the profit-oriented business organization. Major areas covered are discounted cash flow techniques, the trade-off between risk and return, financial asset valuation, capital investment decisions, cost of capital, capital structure and financing decisions. |
FINC 3300 |
Personal Finance II gives the student a broad understanding of personal financial planning issues and techniques. The course will require the student to analyze client financial situations and plans, and give informed advice on moderately complex personal financial planning scenarios. Technical knowledge areas will include debt, insurance, investment, with emphasis on financial analysis, insurance, retirement, estate planning and taxation. |
FINC 3305 | International Financial Management This is an introductory course, covering a range of financial instruments, interest rate swaps, future contracts in foreign currencies, convertible currency bonds, operation of financial markets, integration and deregulation of global financial markets, the European monetary system, the role of central banks in world economies, globalization and the growth of derivatives, world trade and the currency crises. The balance of international transactions, the current and capital accounts, syndicated credit arrangements for large global projects, interest parity, hedging, and dual-currency bonds will also be covered. |
FINC 3360 | Case Studies in Financial Management This is a case course where students apply financial theory to actual company situations. Cases will be concerned with the financing of current operations through efficient management of current assets and situations where long-term financing is appropriate. |
FINC 3370 | Financial Markets and Institutions Financial Markets and Institutions is a course which examines the form and function of various financial markets and the ways financial managers access these markets to meet strategic objectives. The course will also focus on the major financial institutions and their economic role in the allocation of funds within the global economy. |
FINC 3380 | Corporate Performance: Financial Statement Analysis The course will introduce methodology and analytic techniques for both the financial dimensions of corporate management and the nature and functionality of financial statements. Case-by-case analysis will introduce issues of financial analysis, revenue recognition, and risk analysis. Accounting analysis, GAAP-FASB principles of accounting treatment on business projects, the valuation of cash flow forecasts, earnings valuation, credit and banking valuation, corporate financial policies for increased shareholder wealth, corporate takeovers, and financial disclosure requirements will be explored. |
FINC 3390 |
This course focuses on the analysis of individual equity and fixed income securities using theoretical, fundamental and technical techniques. Major areas covered are capital markets, financing, listing and regulation, the process of investing using stock trading simulation software, equities, fixed income securities, derivatives, market analysis, valuation of securities, portfolio approach to investing, mutual funds, hedge funds, and different types of investment accounts. Credit will not be given for both FINC 3350 and FINC 3390. |
FINC 4340 | Investment Management Techniques This course explores the methods and practice of investment management strategies and techniques. The course highlights the Canadian investment environment, the global securities market, and the risk/return profiles associated with different types of investment vehicles. Emphasis is placed on the key characteristics of mutual funds, ETFs and hedge funds as well as appropriate asset allocation strategies. Topics also include behavioural finance, application of technical analysis, and trading and investment strategies that use derivative securities such as options, futures, forward and swap contracts. |
FINC 4360 | Portfolio Management Techniques This course focuses on the business of investment decision making from the perspective of the portfolio manager with an emphasis on the delivery of sound investment advice and solid performance to investors. The course builds on earlier investment coursework and requires students to have taken a previous securities course. The course assesses the major components of the investment business from the client’s perspective and concentrates on the investment process, asset allocation and investment performance. In particular, the emphasis is on the job of managing a portfolio of securities within a mix of asset classes including equities, fixed income, and international alternatives. Learning tools and techniques include the use of Excel spreadsheets and the analysis of public data. |
FINC 4370 |
The Financial Planning Capstone is an integrated financial planning course requiring the preparation and presentation of a professional industry level financial plan covering at least four of the six financial planning components. Cases from current clients will be sourced when possible. |
FINC 4380 | Derivatives – Theory & Applications This course will examine topics dealing with derivative securities and specialized financial products. The types of derivative securities and specialized financial products, their use in modern finance as tools for hedging, arbitrage and speculation, and methods for pricing them will be the main subject matter for this course. |
FINC 4390 |
This course will give detailed coverage of selected areas of finance, including elements of both theory and practice, with an emphasis on the formulation and implementation of financial strategies in a variety of corporate environments, through discussions, case analysis and presentations. |
FINC 4420 | Fixed Income Markets and Management Fixed Income Markets and Management analyze various fixed income instruments and derivatives of those investments. The course will emphasize traditional bond and term structure concepts crucial to understanding the functioning of these markets. The risk profiles of the instruments will be examined and used in formulating fixed income investment portfolios appropriate for different objectives and strategies. Performance measurement techniques will show how to evaluate the success of any strategy. |
FINC 4430 |
Risk Management is a course that explores the meaning, measurement, and management of financial market risk. The expected utility model will be developed to explore the effect of different attitudes toward risk. Management of financial market risk through the use of derivative securities will be examined in detail. Topics such as liquidity risk management, credit risk management, and value at risk will also be examined. |
FINC 4440 |
This course will integrate concepts and theories studied to date and develop the foundations of portfolio management. Topics to be covered include efficient markets, systematic and unsystematic risk, diversification, the capital asset pricing model, portfolio selection, index and mutual funds, and risk management. |
FINC 4450 | Derivatives and Specialized Products Derivatives and specialized products is a course which will examine topics dealing with derivative securities. Derivative securities are often utilized in the management of interest rate, exchange rate, commodity and equity price risks. Derivative securities also provide a vehicle for investors to speculate. The types of derivative securities, their use in modern finance, and methods for pricing them will be the subject matter for this course. |
FINC 4460 |
The objective of this course is to construct equity portfolios for Shanghai A and B Boards and actively assess the impact of various dynamic portfolio strategies in a simulated environment. The simulation will be competitive and will integrate the application of all the portfolio theories previously covered in the Program. The competing teams will be required to examine macro-economic factors, term structure slope, and all the capital market theories into portfolio construction and management through monthly detailed portfolio performance reports. |