2025 Winter Semester Student Parking ePermits
Student ePermits for the 2025 Winter Semester will be available for purchase on Friday 13th December at 4:00pm .
If there are any difficulties purchasing an ePermit at this time and you meet all eligibility requirements please contact parking@douglascollege.ca for further assistance.
Please note New Westminster student parking for the 2025 Winter Semester will be at the Carnarvon Street Parkade, not the Campus Underground.
Need to park your vehicle at Douglas? Not sure how parking at Douglas works? Whether you’re a student or just visiting, it's important to know how our parking services function so you can work and study at Douglas without having to worry about your vehicle.
If you are planning to use College parking, please ensure you have a valid College ID as you may be asked to present it. If you are visiting Douglas College on official business and don’t have a College ID, you may be asked to explain your purpose on campus to security.
Our parking services are provided by Impark.
For questions related to parking please contact parking@douglascollege.ca
For daily or hourly parking, download the Hangtag mobile app* or use the Luke II pay stations located in the elevator vestibules.
*Note there is a 50 cent convenience fee for using the app.
- You must be registered in a minimum of six credits
- You must have all tuition and other fees paid
- Parking ePermits are non-refundable
- Student parking ePermits can be used at both campuses if you are registered in a minimum of six credits at both campuses. (See below for locations where student semester parking ePermits are valid).
- ePermits can be purchased through parking.douglascollege.ca (Credit card payments only)
- A guide for student parking is available here: Student Parking ePermit Registration Guide
- Student Parking is in the Carnarvon Parkade at 720 Carnarvon Street
- This information is applicable to Student Assistants
Type | Rates |
Hourly | $2.00 (to a daily maximum of $5.50) |
Daily | $5.50 |
Student semester ePermit | $180 |
Underground parkade – 700 Royal Avenue (entrance off Victoria Street)
- Monday–Friday: 6:30am–11:00pm (For Employee ePermits and hourly parking only)
- Saturday: 7:00am–7:00pm (Student ePermits are valid on Saturday only in Employee Parking Stalls)
- Sunday/stat holidays: closed
- Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations are located on P1. Cars parked in EV charging stalls should be moved once charging is complete, or after 4 hours of charging, whichever is sooner. The FLO app will be required to access the charging station.
Carnarvon parkade – 720 Carnarvon Street
- Monday–Friday: 6:30am–11:00pm (Student ePermits only)
- Saturday: closed
- Sunday/stat holidays: closed
There is an additional pay by hour parking option for New Westminster students:
- Eighth Street and Royal Avenue (across from the campus)
Please note: Parking at Anvil Tower is operated by the City of New Westminster: Parking - Anvil Centre
Surface lot – 1250 Pinetree Way
- Monday–Friday: 6:30am–11:00pm (Student, Employee ePermits and pay by hour/day)
- Saturday: 6:30am–7:00pm (Student, Employee ePermits and pay by hour/day)
- Sunday/stat holidays: closed
- Meter parking accepting cash and credit card (payment station located in the atrium)
Underground parkade – 1250 Pinetree Way
- Monday–Friday: 6:30am–11:00pm (Employee ePermits and hourly parking only)
- Saturday: 6:30am-7:30pm (Effective 3 Sep 2022)
- Sunday/stat holidays: closed
- Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations are located on P1. Cars parked in EV charging stalls should be moved once charging is complete, or after 4 hours of charging, whichever is sooner. The FLO app will be required to access the charging station.
Town Centre Park – Lots A and E, 1299 Pinetree Way
This lot is north of the Coquitlam Campus across Pinetree Way. Turn right on Pinewood Avenue.
- Monday–Friday: 8:00am– 3:00pm (Student ePermits only)
- Tickets issued due to failure to purchase an ePermit will not be considered for refunds.
There are accessible stalls available at the New Westminster, Anvil Office Tower and Coquitlam Campuses marked with the International Symbol of Access (ISA).
These stalls are positioned such that they are close to elevators and/or accessible entrances.
To apply for access to these stalls please review the information below.
For temporary disabilities affecting mobility please contact Accessibility Services at stuserv@douglascollege.ca. Please be prepared to provide proof of your temporary disability in the form of medical documentation.
Accessibility Services will review your application and, if approved, will provide Parking Services with confirmation that you are eligible for temporary Accessibility Parking.
Temporary disability accommodations will be granted for a limited period of time based on the students individual needs.
Those with a temporary SPARC card may also submit proof of this to parking@douglascollege.ca.
NOTE: If you have previously had a non-Accessible ePermit at the College and have an existing account on the portal, disregard the bolded instruction and identify this in your e-mail to Parking along with the other information identified below.
Before following the process below, please ensure you have followed the Student Parking Guide, and selected "Accessibility Services" as Organization in step 2. Complete the rest of the guide up to the end of step 4.
For permanent or chronic disabilities first ensure that you have a valid SPARC card. If you do not have a valid SPARC card, please apply for one.
Once a valid SPARC card has been obtained, please contact Parking at parking@douglascollege.ca and include a picture of both sides of your SPARC card (front/back) and the student ID# you have entered on the parking portal. Parking will verify that your SPARC card is valid and assign the appropriate ePermit permissions to your account in the parking portal.
Permanent/Chronic Disability accommodations are granted on a semesterly basis and must be re-applied for at the beginning of each semester when ePermits are released for purchase.
Parking at the Anvil Office Tower is managed by the City of New Westminster. There are accessible stalls on level 1 of the parkade and payment must be made at the pay stations or via the Passport Parking App.
If you are parked in a stall without parking time purchased, and have not purchased a valid e-permit, you will receive a violation ticket of $65.00 from Imperial Parking. If you do not pay the violation within seven (7) working days, it will increase to $85.00. After three violations, your vehicle may be towed and Imperial Parking will employ a collection agency to collect any outstanding amount.
Towing is immediate and without notice.
If you leave your vehicle in a restricted parking area, "No Parking" area, in a fire lane, or without a valid SPARC tag in a disabled space contact:
Mundie’s Towing: 604 525 3535
If your car has been towed from a New Westminster Campus parking lot, pick-up is at:
Mundie’s Towing
319 14th Street
New Westminster, BC
If you leave your vehicle in a restricted parking area, "No Parking" area, in a fire lane, or without a valid SPARC tag in a disabled space contact:
Benjamin Towing: 604 318 8300 or benjaminautotowing@yahoo.ca
If your car has been towed from a Coquitlam Campus parking lot, pick-up is at:
Benjamin Towing
3050 Westwood Street
Port Coquitlam, BC