Commonly used acronyms
Commonly used Education Counsel acronyms.
AAACE | American Association for Adult & Continuing Education |
AACC | American Association of Community Colleges |
ABE | Adult Basic Education |
ABEA | Adult Basic Education Association |
ABEABC | Adult Basic Education Association of BC |
ACCC | Association of Canadian Community Colleges |
ACCT | Association of Community College Trustees |
AECBC | Advanced Education Council of British Columbia |
AGB | Association of Governing Boards of Universities & Colleges (American) |
VEST | Vocational Education and Skills Training |
ATSC | Administrative Technology Steering Committee |
AUCC | Association of Universities & Colleges of Canada |
BCAVA | BC Association of Vocational Administrators |
BCCAT | BC Council on Admissions & Transfers |
BCCIE | BC Council for International Education |
BCEADS | BC Educational Association of Disabled Students |
BCGEU | British Columbia Government Employee’s Union |
BCSTA | BC School Trustees Association |
BCTA | BC Teachers Association |
BCTF | BC Teachers Federation |
BOE | Basic Occupational Education |
CAPSLE | Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education |
CAFD | Centre for Academic and Faculty Development |
CB | College Board |
CBIE | Canadian Bureau for International Education |
CCEO | Council of Chief Executive Officers |
CCLOW | Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women |
CCTT | Centre for Curriculum Transfer & Technology |
CEISS | Centre for Education Information Standards and Services |
CGL | Constituency Group Leaders |
COEDCO | Chairs of Education Councils |
CPSLD | Council of Post-Secondary Library Directors |
CFS | Canadian Federation of Students |
CEA | Canadian Education Association |
CIEA | College/Institute Educators Association |
COG | Council of Governors |
CO-OP | Co-operative Education |
COQ | Coquitlam |
CR/BD | Community Relations/Board Development |
CSSHE | Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education |
CTM | Contract Training & Marketing Society |
CUCI | Council of Unions in Colleges and Institutions |
CWFD | College Wide Faculty Development |
DAC | Dean’s Advisory Committee |
DCFA | Douglas College Faculty Association |
DCSS | Douglas College Student Society |
DEC | Department Education Committee |
DLC | David Lam Campus |
DQAB | Degree Quality Assessment Board |
DVST | Developmental Studies |
EC | Education Council |
EDCO | Education Council |
ELTT | Entry Level Trades Training |
ESL/EASL | English as a Second Language |
ELLA | English Language Learning and Acquisition |
ETF | Education Technology Forum |
ETSC | Enterprise Technology Steering Committee |
FEC | Faculty Education Committee |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
FWA | Framework Agreement |
HRDC | Human Resources Development Canada |
IBT | Industry Based Training |
ITAC | Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission |
ITS | Information Technology Services |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
LTSC | Learning Technology Steering Committee |
MAETT | Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training |
MCO | Marketing and Communications Office |
NEADS | National Educational Association of Disabled Students |
NWC | New Westminster Campus |
OWG | Outcomes Working Group |
PACE | Pacific Association for Continuing Education |
PD | Professional Development |
PEN | Personal Education Number |
PLA | Prior Learning Assessment |
PLN | Provincial Learning Network |
PSEC | Public Sector Employers Council |
PNAIRP | Pacific Northwest Assoc. of Institutional Researchers & Planners |
PPSEC | Private Post-Secondary Education Commission |
PSEA | Post Secondary Employers’ Association |
QTT | Qualified to Teach |
SCOEA | Standing Committee on Evaluation and Accountability |
SCOET | Standing Committee on Educational Technology |
SESOC | Senior Educational Services Officers Committee |
SFAOC | Senior Financial & Administrative Officers Committee |
SIOC | Senior Instructional Officers Committee |
SMT | Senior Management Team |
THC | Thomas Haney Campus |
TPMC | Technology Planning and Management Committee |
VLIT | Visual Language Interpreter Training |
VPAC | Vice-President’s Academic Council |
WPSE | Women in Post-Secondary Education |