Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis Faculty
Elizabeth Athens - Ph. D., BCBA-D
Faculty Instructor
Email: athense@douglascollege.ca
Education: BA, UNR (Psychology & English Literature), MS and Ph. D., UF, (Psychology, emphasis on Behaviour Analysis)
Areas of Instruction: Functional Behaviour Assessment and Clinical Applications, Foundational Principles and Empirical Basis of Behaviour Analysis, Ethics in Applied Behaviour Analysis, ABA Intervention
DACS Practice Expertise: Applied Behaviour Analysis, Autism, Behavioural Intervention, Developmental Disabilities, Child Psychology, Child Development, Evidence-Based Intervention, Early Intervention, Ethical Practice
Alex Voroshina - MA, BCBA
Contract Faculty
Email: avoroshi@douglascollege.ca
Education: BA (Psychology with concentration in Applied Behaviour Analysis), Simon Fraser University; MA (Special Education), University of British Columbia
Areas of Instruction: Disability and Applied Behaviour Analysis (DABA), EAI Practicum, BI Practicum
DACS Practice Expertise: ABA in Schools, Capacity Building among School District Employees, Competency-Based Skills Training, Functional Communication Training
Sandra Polushin - BA., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Faculty Instructor
Email: polushins@douglascollege.ca
Education: BA, Psychology/Sociology (UofA); MEd- Education (AU); PhD Candidate- Ed Tech & Learning Design (SFU)
Areas of Instruction: Disability Studies, Universal Design for Learning, Working with Families, Person-Centered Planning, Community Building, Youth Transition, Employment Supports, Social Policy-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, PLAR
DACS Practice Expertise: Practicum (School, Community, Employment), Inclusive and Accessible Course Design, Advocacy, Inclusive Supports, Reflective Practice