If you’re on campus and you or someone else is in immediate danger:
NW: 604 527 5405 | COQ: 604 777 6255
Emergency only: 2400 (on campus only) OR call 911
Douglas College Counselling Services
Can provide emotional support after an incident. They can also assist with safety planning and explore other resources that could be a good fit and make a referral. If someone is going through a reporting process through the College, a counsellor can also act as a support person through that process.
New Westminster Campus: Visit room S2680 or call 604-527-5486
Open 8:30-4:30 Monday – Friday (Wednesday 10:00-4:30)
Coquitlam Campus: Visit room A1050 or call 604-777-6185
Open 8:30-4:30 Monday – Friday (Wednesday 10:00-4:30)
After Hours Services
Royal Columbian Hospital (closest to New Westminster campus):
330 East Columbia St., New Westminster, B.C.
Eagle Ridge Hospital (closest to Coquitlam campus):
475 Guildford Way, Port Moody, B.C.
Vancouver General Hospital:
920 West 10th Ave., Vancouver, B.C
Salal Sexual Violence Support Centre
Provides free and confidential services to women who have experienced sexual assault. Services include counselling, support groups, victim services, Aboriginal women specific support services and a 24 hour crisis line and hospital accompaniment.
Crisis Line: 604-255-6344
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS)
Provides free and confidential services to women and girls who have experienced violence. Services include crisis support, counselling, support groups, victim services, legal advocacy and specialized support programs for Latina and Aboriginal women.
Crisis and Intake Line: 604-687-1867
Domestic Violence Helpline/Victimlink toll free 1 800 563 0808 (24 hours/day)
Monarch Place Transition House (New Westminster) 604 521 1888 (24 hours/day)
Provides free and confidential services including “stopping the violence” counselling, multicultural victim services, and support groups for immigrant and refugee women, “men in change” program, and legal advocacy for refugees and immigrants.
Contact: 604-254-9626
BC 2-1-1
24 hour crisis line that specializes in providing information and referrals regarding community, government and social services in BC
Call: 2-1-1
Vancouver General Hospital Sexual Assault Service
Provides free and confidential services to people of all genders over the age of 13 who have been sexually assaulted within the last 7 days. Services include assessment and treatment of injuries and sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy prevention, forensic sample collection, and medical report for police, referrals to health, legal, and community based support services.
The service is survivor centered and clients get to choose what option works best for them. Forensic samples can be stored for up to a year.
Go directly to the Vancouver General Hospital Emergency Department at 920 West 10th Avenue (near Broadway and Oak) in Vancouver, BC. Ask for the Sexual Assault Service. The nurses and doctors are on-call 24 hours a day and will arrive within 30 minutes. Female patients may arrange for a Women Against Violence Against Women (WAVAW) support worker to meet them at the hospital by calling 604-255-6344.
Surrey Women’s Centre
Free and confidential services for women including counselling, crisis services and legal advocacy. Provides 24 hour crisis line and services to accompany folks to the hospital and to assist with making a police report. The 24 hour service is available for people of all genders and supports sex workers. Crisis Line: 604-583-1295