Computer Applications for Accounting

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
ACCT 1222
Computer Applications for Accounting
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Course designation
Industry designation
Contact hours

Lecture: 2 hours/week


Seminar: 2 hours/week

Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

Lecture and practical applications, conducted in a computer lab and/or online.

Course description
This course will introduce the student to the concepts and practices of computerized accounting using QuickBooks, Sage Accounting, or another industry-standard accounting software. Students will obtain a working knowledge of Financial Statements, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Inventory and Service, Bank Reconciliation, Payroll, and Projects for both a service and merchandise company in a computerized environment.
Course content

1. QuickBooks setup:

1.1 Set up company including general ledger accounts, product and service lists, sales taxes codes, payment terms, invoices, bills, customer and vendor profiles, opening balances.

1.2 Importing files.

1.3 Exporting reports to Excel. 

1.4 Reports and display screen customizing.

2. Journal entries, entering, editing, recurring.

3. Accounts receivable:

3.1 Transactions, including invoices, credit memos, cash receipts, adjustments, recurring and writing-off accounts (allowance method).

3.2 Customers adding and editing.

3.3 Reports, including aged receivable reports.

4. Accounts payable:

4.1 Transactions, including invoices, credit memos, payments, recurring and adjustments.

4.2 Vendors adding and editing.

4.3 Payments, both manual and computer-generated cheques.

4.4 Reports, including aged payable reports.

5. Project reports.

6. Inventory and service adding and editing.

7. Period-end procedures, including month-end and year-end:

7.1 Adjusting and reversing entries.

7.2 Reports, including financial statements.

8. Bank reconciliation and sales tax:

8.1 Transferring of funds.

8.2 Bank reconciliation, NSF cheques, and adjustments.

8.3 Remitting GST/PST/HST and related reports.

8.4 Reports, including a reconciliation report, missing cheques and transaction detail by account.

9. Sage or other accounting software:

9.1 General ledger account adding.

9.2 Journal entries, entering, using recurring transactions, adjusting.

10. Accounts receivable:

10.1 Transactions, including invoices, credit memos, cash receipts, adjustments, recurring and writing-off accounts (allowance method).

10.2 Customers adding and editing.

10.3 Reports, including aged receivable reports.

11. Accounts payable:

11.1 Transactions, including invoices, credit memos, payments, recurring, adjustments.

11.2 Vendors adding and editing.

11.3 Reports, including aged payable reports. Payment, manual and computer-generated cheques.

12. Payroll:

12.1 Employees adding and modifying.

12.2 Payroll run including vacation pay and corrections.

12.3 Payroll taxes remitting.

12.4 Reports.


Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the successful student should be able to use QuickBooks to:

  1. Set up a new company.  
  2. Record journal entries.
  3. Record transactions related to accounts receivable.
  4. Record transactions related to accounts payable.
  5. Apply transactions to projects.
  6. Use inventory and the product service list.
  7. Process period-end procedures.
  8. Prepare bank reconciliation.

At the end of the course, the successful student should be able to use Sage or other approved accounting software to:

9. Record journal entries.

10. Record transactions related to accounts receivable.

11. Record transactions related to accounts payable.

12. Process payroll.

Means of assessment


Assignments/Project(s)/Quizzes 25%  
Test(s) 25%  
Final 25%  
Sage/Other Accounting Software:   25%
Assignment(s)/Project(s)/Quiz(zes) 10%  
Final 15%  
Total   100%

Assessment will be based on course objectives and will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy.

Students must write both finals in order to obtain credit for the course.

Students may conduct research as part of their coursework in this class. Instructors for the course are responsible for ensuring that student research projects comply with College policies on ethical conduct for research involving humans, which can require obtaining Informed Consent from participants and getting the approval of the Douglas College Research Ethics Board prior to conducting the research.



Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students

QuickBooks Online, Susan Watkin, Labyrinth Learning, latest edition.

Learning Sage 50 A Modular Approach. Deepak Sharma and Kerri Simich.

Or other textbook(s) approved by the Accounting Department.

ACCT 1110 or ACCT 1235 text or equivalent.


Minimum grade of C in the following courses:

ACCT 1110 OR ACCT 1235


CSIS 1190 OR CSIS 2200 





Which prerequisite