Mechanics of Inheritance
- mitosis
- meiosis
- life cycles
- crossing-over
Mendelian Inheritance
- monohybrid inheritance and the Law of Segregation
- dihybrid inheritance and the Law of Independent Assortment
- allelic relationships
- use of testcrosses
Probability and Statistics
- solving genetic problems using probability rules
- use of the Chi Square test
Non-Mendelian Inheritance
- linkage
- sex-linked inheritance
- sex-influenced inheritance
- sex-limited inheritance
- gene interactions (including epistasis, complementation, duplicate genes)
- multiple allelism
- multigenic inheritance
- inheritance of quantitative (multifactorial) traits
- extra-chromosomal inheritance
Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes
- 2 point testcross
- 3 point testcross
Sex Determination and Sex Differentiation
- the XY system
- the ZW system
- the XO system
- the haplo-diploid system
Dosage Compensation
Changes in Chromosome Number
- aneuploidy
- polyploidy
Changes in Chromosome Structure
- duplication
- deletion
- inversion
- translocations (pericentric and paracentric)
Gene Mutation and Mutagenesis
Nucleic Acid Structure and Replication
Protein Synthesis
- transcription
- translation
Control of Gene Expression
- in prokaryotes
- in eukaryotes
Microbial Genetics
- prototrophs and auxotrophs
- replica plating
- transformation, transduction and conjugation
- gene mapping
Viral Genetics
- DNA Viruses
- retroviruses
Transposable Elements
- DNA transposons
- retrotransposons
Population Genetics and Evolution
- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- effects of genetic drift and selection
Laboratory Exercises
- mitosis in onion roots
- chi square (corn crosses)
- gene mapping in Drosophila
- polytene chromosomes
- plant viruses
- population genetics (models of drift and selection; field study)
Methods of instruction for this course include some or all of the following:
- Instructor tutoring and lectures
- Discussion groups
- Practical applications and lab exercises
- Self-study via print or online materials
- Reading and problem solving assignments
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation will be based on the following:
Assignments and tests |
10-20% |
Oral presentation | 0-5% |
Midterm exams (2) | 25-35% |
Final comprehensive exam | 25-35% |
Lab reports and lab quizzes | 25-30% |
Total | 100% |
Note: A student who achieves less than 50% in either the lecture or laboratory portion of the course will earn a maximum P grade.
Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of classical and modern genetics, including being able to:
- Describe the physical basis of heredity.
- Describe the experimental basis of Mendelian inheritance.
- Describe sex-determining mechanisms in a wide variety of organisms.
- Describe non-Mendelian inheritance, including linkage, sex-linkage, sex-influenced inheritance, sex-limited inheritance, multiple allelism, polygenic inheritance, and extra-chromosomal inheritance.
- Interpret pedigrees to determine modes of inheritance of genetic anomalies in humans.
- Derive chromosome maps by a variety of techniques, including the analysis of:
- testcross data in higher organisms
- conjugation, transduction and transformation experiments in bacteria
- Describe the cytological and biochemical basis of mutation and mutagenesis.
- Describe the structure, replication, and functions of nucleic acids.
- Describe the process of protein synthesis and the control of protein synthesis in bacteria and in higher organisms.
- Describe the genetic control of metabolism.
- Describe the genetics of populations, including Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, genetic drift, the effects of selection on allele frequencies and the evolutionary implications of population genetics.
- Perform and interpret genetic experiments with a variety of organisms.
- Describe the genetic basis of evolutionary theory.
- Use general principles of genetics to discuss current issues.
Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. Example textbooks and materials may include:
Klug, WS, Cummings, MR, Spencer, CA, Palladino, MA, and Killina, DJ. (2019). Concepts of Genetics, (current edition). Pearson Education, USA.
Course Guidelines
Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.
Course Transfers
These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see
Institution | Transfer details for BIOL 3205 |
Alexander College (ALEX) | ALEX BIOL 203 (3) & ALEX BIOL 2XX (1) |
Camosun College (CAMO) | CAMO BIOL 232 (3) |
Capilano University (CAPU) | CAPU BIOL 200 (3) |
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) | KPU BIOL 2320 (4) |
Langara College (LANG) | LANG BIOL 2330 (3) |
Simon Fraser University (SFU) | DOUG BIOL 3205 (5) & DOUG BIOL 3700 (3) = SFU BISC 202 (3) & SFU BISC 2XX (2) & SFU BISC 300 (3) |
Simon Fraser University (SFU) | SFU BISC 202 (3) & SFU BISC 2XX (2) |
Thompson Rivers University (TRU) | TRU BIOL 2340 (3) |
Trinity Western University (TWU) | TWU BIOL 371 (3) |
University of British Columbia - Okanagan (UBCO) | UBCO BIOL_O 265 (3) |
University of British Columbia - Vancouver (UBCV) | UBCV BIOL_V 234 (3) |
University of Northern BC (UNBC) | UNBC BIOL 210 (3) |
University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) | UFV BIO 220 (4) |
University of Victoria (UVIC) | UVIC BIOL 230 (1.5) |
Vancouver Island University (VIU) | VIU BIOL 212 (3) |