Graduating Applied Research Project

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
BUSN 4405
Graduating Applied Research Project
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 Weeks X 4 Hours per Week = 60 Hours
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture: 3 Hours Seminar: 1 Hour Total: 4 Hours
Learning activities

Lectures, case analysis/portfolio preparations and presentations, working with external agencies and companies on their international business proposals.

Course description
This course is a capstone course for the International Business Studies Program (IBS). The focus is on the nature of the international business environment - financial, cultural, social, political and legal - and the manner in which this environment has changed and continues to change. A combination of lectures, videos, and supplementary materials will follow the order of the chapters in the text. Cases will be assigned to and presented in class by students. Opportunity prevailing, students will be placed in actual practicum sites, working on international projects. Some of the projects will be used in case analysis and class presentations.
Course content

1.       International business and economic environment.

2.       Legal, political dimensions of international trade for small business operators.

3.       Analysis, selection and penetration into foreign markets.

4.       Strategies for entering foreign markets.

5.       International communication and product promotion strategies.

6.       Global pricing and logistics.

7.       International marketing of services and agencies.

The above dimensions will be integrated, applied and presented both in case analysis and business plan presentations.

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to:

1.       demonstrate a knowledge of all the fundamental issues and concepts of small business, international trade practices, with main emphasis on importing and exporting;

2.       identify from case analysis and readings all the financial, legal, economic, and logistics principles of international trade;

3.       conduct a comprehensive overall analysis and content of all international business cases for small business operators and be able to present all the findings.

Means of assessment

Major project                                                              30%

Cases (minimum 5)                                                   30%

Class participation                                                     10%

Final exam                                                               30%


Textbook materials

Cases, business plans.


BUSN 2403 and BUSN 3400 and BUSN 3404 and BUSN 4305 and ECON 3300 and

FINC 3305 and FINC 4405