Business Strategy and Simulation

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
BUSN 4470
Business Strategy and Simulation
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 Weeks X 4 Hours per Week = 60 Hours
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture: 2 Hours Seminar: 2 Hours Total: 4 Hours
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

Lectures and Computer Labs

Course description
This course will provide students with an introduction to strategic management, which students will practice using a computerized business simulation. Topics covered include: Company missions, external environment, internal analysis and company profile, objective and strategies in the long and short term, strategic analysis, implementation.
Course content

1.       Overview of Strategic Management.

2.       Company Mission.

3.       External Environment.

4.       Environmental Forecasting.

5.       Internal Analysis and Company Profile.

6.       Formulation of Objectives and Strategies, Long and Short-term.

7.       Strategic Analysis and Choice.

8.       Implementation.

9.       Strategic Simulation using a Computer Model.

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to:

1.       describe and analyze aspects of business strategy;

2.       solve case problems using business strategy concepts;

3.       prepare reports which analyze and explain business strategy.

Means of assessment

Term Examination                              20%

Case Studies (1-10)                             20%

Oral Presentation                                   5%

Simulation Quiz                                     5%

Group Reports (1-4)                            20%

Simulation Performance                    20%

Participation                                         10%


Textbook materials

Pearce, J. A.  and Robinson, R. B.  Formulation, Implementation and Control of Competitive Strategy,  Latest Ed.  Richard D. Irwin


One of the following computer simulations, depending upon instructor's choice and inter-institutional agreements:


Jensen, R. L.  Business Management Laboratory, Latest Ed.  Richard D. Irwin 

Smith, J. R. and Golden, P. A.  Airline, A Strategic Management Simulation, Latest Ed.  Prentice Hall      

Scott, Strickland, Hofmeister and Thompson.  Micromatic - A Strategic Management Simulation,  Latest Ed.  Houghton Mifflin Co.     

Smith, J. R. and Golden, P. A.  Corporation, a Strategic Management Simulation Latest Ed.  Prentice Hall


(ACCT 1110 and ACCT 1210 or ACCT 1235) and BUSN 1210 and (BUSN 1330 or FINC 1231) and CSIS 1110 and (CMNS 1111 or CMNS 1115 or ENGL 1100-level except ENGL 1124) and minimum 30 credits in Faculty of Commerce & Business Administration