Course Code
CAEP 0300
Employment Readiness
Vocational Education and Skills Training
Applied Community Studies
Start Date
End Term
Not Specified
Semester Length
15 Weeks
Max Class Size
Contact Hours
32 hours/semester
Method(s) Of Instruction
Learning Activities
- Lectures
Course Description
This course is designed to prepare students with learning difficulties or barriers to education and employment for entry level employment and/or further vocational training. It focuses on workplace skills and behaviors that contribute to job success, including social and communication skills, problem solving, self-management and self-advocacy skills, work safety skills, and interview skills. Students also explore their occupational and career alternatives based on their interests, knowledge and skills.
Course Content
Topics to be explored include:
- Career development
- Knowledge of skills, strengths, and interests
- Workplace communication and employability skills
- Problem solving strategies
- Time management tools and time management strategies
- The interview process
- Workplace safety skills
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to:
- Identify barriers to communication and use strategies to overcome barriers.
- Display/use effective communications.
- Engage in active listening.
- Differentiate between passive, aggressive and assertive communication.
- Demonstrate initiative, dependability and reliability on the job.
- Present themselves at job interviews in a professional manner.
- Respond to interview questions by representing their strengths.
- Ask relevant questions of potential employers.
- Employ appropriate conversational skills with fellow students, coworkers and employers.
- Identify and demonstrate safe work practices as per WorkSafe BC guidelines.
- Demonstrate respectful interactions in a diverse multi-cultural learning/work environment.
- Demonstrate cooperative workplace behaviours.
- Identify ways of demonstrating initiative on the job.
- Demonstrate problem-solving strategies.
- Describe personal attributes, strengths and challenges.
- Prepare for an interview.
- Participate in role plays.
- Present himself/herself at job interviews in a professional manner.
- Respond to interview questions by representing his/her strengths.
Means of Assessment
This course uses the mastery grading system and will conform to Douglas College policy regarding the number and weighting of evaluations. Typical means of evaluation would include a combination of:
- Mid-point and final self-assessments
- Demonstration of skills
- Regular attendance and participation in class activities
Textbook Materials
Topic relevant material will be provided throughout the course.
Instructor permission
No corequisite courses
No equivalency courses