Course code
CHDA 1118
Reception Skills For Dental Assistants
Dental Assisting
Health Sciences
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Lecture/Practice: 15 per semester
Field Experience: 5 per semester
Method(s) of instruction
Field Experience
Learning activities
- Lecture/Practice
- Class Discussion/Seminar
- Demonstration
- Computer
Course description
This course will provide the learner with the knowledge, skills and values related to the fundamental principles of dental office management, focusing on basic dental reception procedures. The course will include the organization and management of client records, appointment scheduling, insurance claims, financial records and inventory control systems.
Course content
- Manage client records
- Legal and ethical implications
- Personal, medical and dental histories
- Non-invasive identifying discs
- Numbering systems
- Annotation and charting
- Abbreviations
- Chart entries, manual and computerized
- Quality Assurance
- Schedule appointments
- Appointment entries, manual and computerized
- Guidelines for efficient appointment scheduling
- Confirmation of Appointments
- Daily schedules
- Preventive recall programs
- Complete insurance claims
- Dental insurance, terminology
- Claim forms preparation, paper/electronic
- Dental procedure codes
- Fee guides
- Legal and ethical implications
- Manage financial records
- Accounts receivable systems
- Maintain financial records
- Dental estimates
- Legal and ethical implications
- Manage inventory control systems
- Inventory systems
- Reorder point
- Guidelines for ordering dental supplies
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes are based on the Curriculum Guide 2001 Education of Certified Dental Assistants in British Columbia, developed for the Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology and the Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology, February, 2001.
Upon successful completion of CHDA 1118 the student will:
- Manage client records
- Schedule appointments
- Complete insurance claims
- Manage financial records
- Manage inventory control system
Means of assessment
Course evaluation is based on course objectives, and is consistent with Douglas College Evaluation Policies. An evaluation schedule is presented to the students at the beginning of the course.
A minimum mark of 65% is required to be successful in the course.
Outlines of evaluation may be subject to change.
Textbook materials
A list of required and optional textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of each semester.
Which prerequisite