Co-operative Education I

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
COOP 1100
Co-operative Education I
Co-operative Education
Business Development
Start date
End term
Not Specified
Semester length
12 – 16 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Supervised work experience, minimum 420 hours per semester.
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

Independent learning through a program-related work placement with support given by a faculty advisor and workplace supervisor.

Course description
This course enables students to apply and develop knowledge and skills on the job. Over the duration of the paid work placement, students, with the support of a faculty advisor, use, enhance and add to their transferable job skills and program specific skills. They set learning objectives for the work experience and complete a work placement project. If student is completing a diploma, 1100 is the first of two Co-op courses which students must successfully complete to receive a Co-operative Education designation on their transcript.
Course content

1.0 Job Search Skills

1.1 write targeted letters of application and resumes to college and industry standards

1.2 research potential placement employers

1.3  complete a job interview successfully


2.0 Goal Setting

2.1 set work placement learning objectives

2.2 re-evaluate as situation requires

2.3 analyse success through self assessment which is communicated to faculty advisor verbally and in writing.


3.0 Employability Skills

3.1 communicate effectively with co-workers, employer clients/customers, supervisors, and college Co-op representatives

3.2 work effectively as a team member, including resolving conflict

3.3 use critical/creative thinking in decision making and problem solving

3.4 embrace new learning opportunities and challenges

3.5 represent self, the college, and the employer professionally and ethically

3.6 develop personal management skills related to time, organization, and stress

3.7 accept constructive criticism as a vehicle to learning


4.0 Program Specific Skills

4.1 apply learned academic knowledge and skills in the work environment


5.0 Work Placement Project

5.1 choose a topic related to student’s specific program or defined as a need by the employer

5.2 prepare project to industry and college standards

5.3 format to satisfy needs of employer and/or faculty advisor (formal written report, formal presentation, handbook, procedures manual, research paper, users’ manual, for example)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the successful student should be able to


1.  Use job search skills to obtain a work placement in related field of study.

2.  Set, re-evaluate, and achieve realistic, measurable learning objectives.

3.  Use transferable employability skills effectively.

4.  Use program specific skills effectively.

5.  Prepare a work placement project to meet college and employer standards.

Means of assessment

Students will be assigned a grade of MASTERY when ALL of the following are achieved.


Job search documentation and job interview result in a work placement

Work placement learning objectives are defined and fulfilled

Work placement project is completed based on given criteria

Employer’s evaluation is satisfactory based on given criteria

Faculty advisor’s evaluation is satisfactory based on given criteria

Textbook materials



Co-op Information Session + Co-op Job Search Workshops + Submission of designated application and job search documents + completion of at least 18 program-related credits and a cumulative grade point average of 2.33 or permission of the Dean.

Which prerequisite

COOP 1200,  2300,  2310