Introductory Class Piano I

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
MUSC 1160
Introductory Class Piano I
Language, Literature & Performing Arts
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
Classroom related: 1.5 hours per week for 14 weeks Simulation Environment: 1.5 hours per week for 14 weeks
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

The instruction will be by lecture, demonstration, and supervised practice.

Course description
A progressive study of learning to play the piano for students who possess no previous experience. The course includes technique, keyboard harmony, sight reading, transposition, and the playing of appropriate repertoire.
Course content
  1. Sight Reading
    • To recognize and play notes on the staff.
    • To recognize and play notes on leger lines.
    • To recognize and play chords at random.
    • To play short melodies, hands separately and hands together.
  2. Transposition
    • To transpose simple pieces, hands separately, up or down a major second,  minor second, major third or minor third, using the principles of vertical and horizontal transposition; recognition of intervals and melodic patterns.
  3. Technique
    • Development of individual finger control by the use of exercises, i.e. Hanon, Schmitt, Wieck etc.
    • Scales  – modal, major, natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor, using standard fingering, one octave, hands separately. The scales will be played with legato, portato and staccato touch.
    • Triads  – major and minor, root position and inversions, solid and broken form, one octave, hands separately, legato touch.
    • Arpeggios – major and minor, root position, two octaves, hands separately, legato.
  4. Keyboard Harmony
    • Chord progressions in keys other than C major played in keyboard style.
      V-I, IV-I, V7-I, I6/4-V-I, I6/4-V7-I, I-IV-V-I, I-ii-V-I, I-ii6-V-I, I-N6-V-I.
    • Simple improvisation.
Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the successful student should be able to demonstrate a knowledge of, and skills in, the fundamentals of keyboard sight reading, simple transposition, technique, phrasing and articulation, basic cadences, and simple repertoire.

Means of assessment

The grade will be calculated on the basis of progress made in the various aspects of the course:

  • 60% of the mark will be based upon regular evaluation (minimum of 1 per week).
  • 15% of the mark will be allotted for a mid-term examination.
  • 25% of the mark will be allotted for a final in-class examination.


As this is a skill-oriented course, regular attendance is required in order to develop fluent keyboard skills. Therefore, 100% attendance is desired. The failure to attend regularly will result in reduction of a final grade as shown below:

  • 4 unexcused absences: minus 10%
  • 8 unexcused absences: minus 20%
  • over 12 unexcused absences: minus 30%
Textbook materials

A list of recommended textbooks and materials is provided on the Instructor’s Course Outline, which is available to students at the beginning of each semester. Example:  Caramia, Lyke,  Keyboard Musicianship Book I, Stipes Publishing Co., Champaign, Illinois, 1999.


Enrolment in Full Basic Musicianship Program or instructor permission.

Which prerequisite