Popular Guitar and Voice Basics I
Curriculum guideline
The instructor will present concepts, demonstrate techniques and patterns, model skills, and lead the class in rehearsal of repertoire. Practice exercises and pieces will be rehearsed and/or performed by the whole class, small groups and individuals.
Applied musicianship:
- singing melody by ear while accompanying self on guitar
- playing repertoire from beginning to end without stopping
- demonstrating duple and triple meters clearly in repertoire
- creating introductions and clear endings in assigned repertoire
- sight singing a vocal melody from a lead sheet
- performing repertoire by memory: a minimum of ten assigned songs: lyrics, melody, harmony
- understanding and playing basic chord progressions
- transposing the following progressions to a variety of keys as determined by the instructor: I - ii (or II) - V7, I - IV - V7, I - vi - ii - V7
- recognizing the above-listed progressions within songs
- transposing songs to appropriate keys
- modulating within songs
- introduction to improvisation
- producing a clear tone
- understanding the importance of hand position
- playing notes up to the 5th fret
- playing open-position guitar chords
- strumming patterns with root-note emphasis
- fingerpicking patterns (basic)
- using plectrum
- tuning guitar by interval
- changing guitar strings independently
- acquiring healthy vocal technique and posture while playing guitar
- recognizing effect of self on others in a social setting: body language, proximity, eye contact, and other aspects of non-verbal communication
At the end of this course, the successful student will be able to demonstrate satisfactory skill and musicianship in voice and guitar, as outlined in Course Content.
Weekly practical evaluation | 40% |
Individual performance assignment (submitted by video) | 15% |
Participation & engagement in class | 10% |
Individual midterm exam | 15% |
Individual final exam | 20% |
Total | 100% |
A six-string acoustic guitar is required for the course.
Course handouts and songsheets will be provided by the instructor.
Acceptance into Foundations for Music Therapy Studies program
Individual assessment: The student must meet the minimum thresholds for participation in MUSC 1186 by demonstrating their incoming knowledge of open guitar chords and current singing ability. This assessment is operationalized by the Music Department.