Leadership: Partners in Health Promotion

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
NURS 3315
Leadership: Partners in Health Promotion
Health Sciences
Start date
End term
Semester length
Max class size
Contact hours
4.0 hours/week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

It is the intent of faculty to facilitate student learning, and promote critical inquiry, reflection and analytical reasoning through a variety of learning processes including lecture, large and small group discussion, and nursing practice-based scenarios.

Course description
This course builds on the concepts examined in the previous leadership course with a focus on promoting health from a Canadian primary healthcare perspective. In this course, students are introduced to a community nursing context. Emphasis is placed on nurses’ working in partnership with individuals, families, groups and communities in promoting and supporting mutually identified health goals. In addition, topics in global health including epidemiology, community and global disasters, and the effect of these on the health of Canadians are discussed.
Course content

In this course the nurse as partner in health promotion is emphasized.  Concepts and essential content that will be addressed relative to this topic are listed below.  In addition, the core curriculum concepts are integrated throughout this course.


Primary health care and population health

  • Introduction


  • With individuals, families and groups
  • Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention


  • Individuals, families groups and communities
  • Capacity building, identifying strengths


  • Community as context and culture
  • Community as resource
  • Healthy communities

Socio-environmental approach to health promotion

  • Directed toward action on the determinants of health
  • Diverse, complementary approaches
  • Facilitating effective community participation


  • Trends and issues
  • Client-centeredness
  • Lived experience
  • Self care
  • Supportive care

Client-centered health education

  • Individuals, families, groups and communities
  • Theoretical perspectives on teaching and learning
  • Principles of teaching and learning
  • Teaching processes with a focus on prevention (e.g. solution focused counseling).
  • Teaching across the lifespan, with diverse client populations and in a variety of contexts
  • Health literacy


  • Epidemiological models and sources of data
  • Vulnerable populations
  • Role of epidemiology in nursing research and practice

Emergency preparedness

  • Public safety and emergency preparedness in Canada
  • Roles and responsibilities of government agencies in emergency preparedness
  • The role of nurses in community disasters

 Global Health

  • Health for all movement and globalization
  • International initiatives
  • Effect on Canadians
Learning outcomes

At the end of this course the successful student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of a population health approach to nursing practice with individuals, families, groups, and communities.
  • Demonstrate an ability to apply strategies for promoting population health including inter-professional and intersectoral collaboration.
  • Demonstrate the application of client-centered health education across the life span and with diverse individuals, families, groups and communities.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of community as context and community as resource.
  • Critically reflect on issues associated with social determinants of health, health inequity and access to services for vulnerable groups and communities and consider implications for nursing practice.
  • Critically reflect on issues and trends associated with chronicity and end of life and consider the implications for nursing practice.
  • Using a relational perspective, examine people’s experiences with chronicity and supportive care.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of epidemiology in health promotion.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of community disaster planning and the nurse’s role in responding to community disasters.
  • Critically reflect on global health issues, the effect of global health on the health of Canadians, and the role of nurses in contributing to global health.
Means of assessment

The course evaluation is consistent with Douglas College Evaluation Policy.  A course evaluation schedule and other course evaluation information are provided on the Instructor’s Course Outline which is available to students at the beginning of each semester.  This is a graded course. 

Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:


A list of recommended textbooks and materials is provided on the Instructor’s Course Outline which is available to students at the beginning of each semester. 


NURS 2211 AND NURS 2212 AND NURS 2213 AND NURS 2215 AND NURS 2217

Students in the BSN program are required to maintain a passing grade of 65% (C+) in all courses in order to progress in the program.

Which prerequisite