Professional Growth: Nurses Influencing Change

Curriculum Guideline

Effective Date:
Course Code
NURS 4131
Professional Growth: Nurses Influencing Change
Health Sciences
Start Date
End Term
Semester Length
Max Class Size
Lecture/Seminar 36
Contact Hours
Lecture/Seminar 4.0/wk
Method(s) Of Instruction
Learning Activities

In this course, participants have opportunities to view themselves as professionals with the mandate, knowledge, and skills to bring about change.  This will take place through such activities as discussion, case studies, media stories, debate, mock situations, reflection, and critical analysis of change processes.

Course Description
This course explores the ways nurses can influence and create change for the promotion of societal health. Emphasis is placed on selected strategies for enhancing nursing influence on the evolving Canadian health care system.
Course Content

The focus of this course is nurses influencing change.  Course concepts are addressed in relation to the four foundational concepts (ways of knowing, personal meaning, time/transitions, and culture/context), integrating the metaconcepts of health promotion and caring.  Participants’ experiences, interests, and choices are considered.  The nurse’s role in influencing change is emphasized.  Course concepts and essential content are as follows:

  •  change
    • change theory
    • change processes
    • change strategies
    • tools for change
  • leadership
    • definitions
    • transformational leadership
    • leadership in influencing change
    • culture, power, and politics of leadership
  • activism
    • advocacy
    • lobbying
    • media
    • marketing
    • funding
  • organizations
    • structure
    • culture
    • governance models
  • political process
    • political and health care structures
    • collaboration
    • power relations
  • policy
    • policy development at organizational and societal level
  • change issues
    • health care reform
    • workplace issues
    • gendered analysis of nursing and health care
    • changing the image/role of the nurse
    • nurturing the profession of nursing
    • image of marginalized groups
Learning Outcomes

In this course, participants have opportunities to:


  • continue to develop professionally
  • explore their potential as change agents, as individuals, and as part of a collective
  • examine change processes within the nursing profession
  • learn how to be proactive in creating and implementing health care policy
  • learn how to transform ideas/policies into reality for the promotion of societal health
Means of Assessment

Course evaluation is consistent with Douglas College Curriculum Development and Approval Policy.  An evaluation schedule is presented at the beginning of the course.  There will be a minimum of three assessments which will typically include exams, quizzes, papers, and/or presentations.  Respect for individual choice and an openness to negotiate will guide decisions about methods of evaluation.


This is a graded course.

Textbook Materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Participants:  [and other Learning Resources]

  1. Planned Praxis Experience
    • a nursing practice project in influencing change
  2. Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Participants
    • A list of recommended textbooks and materials is provided for participants at the beginning of each semester.
  3. Other Resources
    • selected readings
    • selected audiovisual and computer resources

NURS 4100 (recommended)

Which Prerequisite