Medical Terminology III

Curriculum guideline

Effective Date:
Course code
OADM 1453
Medical Terminology III
Office Administration
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Semester length
5 Weeks X 6 Hours per Week = 30 Hours
Max class size
Contact hours
6 hours per week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities

Communications between instructor and students will be conducted online using the course email, bulletin board and chat utilities.  The instructor will guide the students through a series of learning objectives using motivation and online instruction.  The assigned readings, together with the reinforcement exercises, are the principal learning activities.  Additional materials and resources are available online.

Course description
This is a BCCampus on-line provincial course. In Medical Terminology III, students complete a study of the construction of medical terms including root words, suffixes and prefixes relating to pharmacology and the specialities of oncology, radiology and nuclear medicine and psychiatry.
Course content

For each unit the following course content relating to each specialty will be covered:


  1. Description/overview of the specialty
  2. Common combining forms, prefixes, suffixes
  3. Pronunciation of medical words
  4. Use of component parts to build medical words
  5. Classifications of tumours used in oncology
  6. Common diagnostic techniques used in radiology and nuclear medicine
  7. Classifications of pharmaceuticals
  8. Terms and treatment related to psychiatric conditions
  9. Analysis of various medical reports
Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, you will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1.  Identify and describe terms, pronounce, spell and give meanings for medical terms relating to the specialties of:
    • Oncology
    • Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
    • Pharmacology
    • Psychiatry
  2. Define and spell correctly the common disorders, diagnostic tests, classifications and abbreviations pertaining to the above specialties.
Means of assessment

There is an online test at the end of each unit of study as well as a comprehensive final exam.

Graded assignments include proofreading exercises and Internet research.

Quizzes (each specialty)   50%
Spelling  15%
Final Exam  35%
Total 100%


Note: The letter grade assigned will be determined by the college at which you are registered.

Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:


Language of Medicine, latest edition, Chabner, Davi-Ellen, W.B. Saunders Company.


Medical Language Instant Translator, latest edition, Chabner, Davi-Ellen, W.B. Saunders Company.


Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, latest edition, Dorland, Saunders Elsevier.


Recommended Text / Materials


Supplementary material online

Which prerequisite