Integrated Movement Analysis
1. Qualitative Movement Diagnosis framework (QMD)
1.1. Use of QMD in kinesiology related fields
1.2. Interdisciplinary – intradisciplinary continuum and application of QMD
2. Various models used for QMD
2.1. Classifying QMD Models
2.2. Observational models
2.3. Comprehensive models
2.4. Evaluating the validity, reliability, and applicability of different models
3. Sensory and perception contributions to QMD
3.1. Theoretical background for using senses and perception in QMD
3.2. Diagnosing human movement from both the performer's and observer's senses and perception
4. The four tasks of QMD analysis
4.1. Preparation: developing processes to gather relevant information about human movement
4.1.1. Knowledge about performer and individual learning characteristics
4.1.2. Knowledge of human movement
4.1.3. Critical features of activity/motor skill/movement
4.1.4. Effective instruction for activity/motor skill/movement
4.2. Observation: systematic planning for data collection for human movement
4.2.1. Key elements of a systematic observational strategy
4.2.2. Incorporating video capture, force acquisition, and/or electromyography technologies into the observations
4.3. Evaluation and Diagnosis: determining strengths and faults of a human movement
4.3.1. Analysis of the critical features of the motor performance
4.3.2. Evaluation of the quality of those features
4.3.3. Prioritization of the performer’s faults or errors
4.4. Intervention: planning to sustain strengths and improve faults of human movement
4.4.1. Identify and implement new practice structures and/or training program adjustments to improve human performance
4.4.2. Determine and implement appropriate feedback strategies that are suited to context and performer
4.4.3. Develop appropriate cue words and phrases to use with the performer
4.4.4. Integrate decision training strategies for performance enhancement
5. Practical applications using instrumentation in QMD for specific skills:
5.1. Video technology: using high definition and high speed video cameras for 2-D kinematics
5.2. Computer, tablet, and smartphone technology with various motion analysis software or apps
5.3. Force acquisition, electromyography, and/or accelerometer instrumentation to supplement diagnosis of motor performance
5.4. Explore emerging movement analysis technologies
- Lecture
- Discussion groups
- Practical application
- Field observation and/or video observation
- Self-study via print or online materials
- Reading assignments and peer-reviewed research articles
- Laboratory technology workshops
Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with Douglas College policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation will be based on:
Midterm exam: 15-20%
Draft, Discussion, Development Assignments: 10-15%
Inquiry and Reflection Assignments: 20-25%
Motion Analysis Project: 30-40%
Project Presentation: 10-15%
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Reflect on and relate experiential and academic knowledge from various kinesiology sub-disciplines to a qualitative movement diagnosis model.
- Apply the experiential and academic knowledge to analyze human movement in daily practice.
- Determine performer characteristics and analyze a variety of movement patterns from that performer.
- Evaluate and diagnose human movement performance strengths and errors.
- Prescribe and implement intervention strategies for improving human movement performance.
- Use video capture with motion analysis software, force acquisition, and/or electromyography technologies to supplement the observation and intervention strategies portions of qualitative movement diagnosis.
Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. Example textbooks and materials may include:
Knudson, D. (2013) Qualitative Diagnosis of Human Movement: Improving Performance in Sport and Exercise. 3rd Edition (or most recent version). Human Kinetics Publishers, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.