Course code
SPSC 3240
Leadership in Sport, Physical Education and Coaching
Sport Science
Science & Technology
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
4 hours per week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Lecture
- Discussion groups
- Practical application
- Field observation and/or video observation
- Self-study via print or online materials
- Reading assignments
- Online discussion groups
- Experiential learning
Course description
In this course students will study leadership concepts in relation to sport, physical education and coaching. Students will examine the role of the leader and the responsibility which comes with becoming a leader. Topics such as personal management, relationship management and conflict management will be covered. Students will apply leadership concepts within the microcosm of the classroom and gymnasium.
Course content
- The role of the leader
- Roles
- Responsibilities
- Definitions
- Management vsLeadership
- Liability
- Building relationships
- Rapport
- Developing relationships
- Maintaining relationships
- Repairing relationships
- Media relationships
- Role of the media
- Developing and maintaining media relationships
- Interview principles
- Marketing factors
- Communication as a leader
- Written and verbal communication
- Effective use of the web and email
- Active listening skills
- Paraphrasing
- Questioning
- Use of silence
- Content listening
- Empathic listening
- Re-stating skills
- Demonstrating understanding
- Leadership competencies
- Survey of literature
- Key competencies
- Self assessment and action plan
- Resonant leadership
- Definition of a resonant organization
- Developing resonance
- Maintaining resonance
- Creating the resonant leaders within an organization
- Emotional intelligence concepts
- Definition of emotional intelligence
- Components of emotional intelligence
- Developing emotional intelligence in the self
- Creating an emotional intelligent organization
- Personal awareness
- Personal management
- Self motivation
- Intrinsic
- Extrinsic
- Social awareness
- Social skills
- Seasonal and unit planning factors
- Catalyst for change
- Understanding change
- Proactive responses to change
- Being a change agent
- Vision and mission statements
- Vision statements
- Mission statements
- Operationalizing statements
- Collaboration and synergy
- Reciprocal coaching/teaching
- Peer coaching/teaching
- Group goal setting
- Developing true win/win results
- Cooperative concepts
- Personal and social responsibility
- Concepts of personal responsibility
- Concepts of social responsibility
- Role of reflection
- Empowerment
- Interdependence concepts
- Personal bank account
- Relationship bank account
- Interdependent leadership
- Stress concepts
- Definitions
- Models
- Emotional and arousal control
- Priority management
- Preventive factors
- Inspiring others
- Building trust
- Passion
- Character development
- Taking action
- Hellison’s levels of awareness
- Wellness concepts
- Service learning
- Seasonal, weekly and daily time management
- Link between sport and life
- Green zone and gold zone concepts
- Balance
- Gender factors
- Cultural factors
- Disability factors
- Model coach
- N.C.C.Pdefinition
- Hellison’s teacher qualities
- Research into leadership qualities
- Leadership styles
- Situational leadership
- Transformational leadership
- Principle centred leadership
- Coach focused and athlete centred concepts
Learning outcomes
- Demonstrate resonant leadership skills in sport, physical activity and coaching
- Demonstrate effective team building skills
- Demonstrate personally and socially responsible leadership
- Demonstrate the ability to create synergy as a leader
Means of assessment
The selection of evaluation tools for this course is based upon:
- Adherence to college evaluation policy regarding number and weighing of evaluations, for example a course of three credits or more should have at least three separate evaluations.
- A developmental approach to evaluation that is sequenced and progressive.
- Evaluation is used as a teaching tool for both students and instructors.
- Commitment to student participation in evaluation through such processes as self and peer evaluation, and program/ instructor evaluation.
The following is presented as an example assessment format for this course
Practical applications | 20% |
Resource project | 20% |
Mid-term and final exams | 30% |
Preparation & participation | 10% |
Practical leadership | 20% |
100% |
Textbook materials
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students
(Will be decided by course instructors.)
Certifications/Conference requirements:
As part of the course, instructors and students may engage in extra-curricular certification processes that overlap with the curriculum of the class. Fees for professional certification, where applicable, will be borne by the student. Potential certifications relating to this course include:
- NCCP A and B Theory portions
- QDPE conference attendance
- CABC conference links
60 credits, including SPSC 1105 and SPSC 1103