
Game-Centred Approaches in PHE

Science & Technology
Sport Science
Course code
SPSC 5395
Semester length
10 weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
In this course, students investigate how game-centred approaches (GCAs) place the learner and their development at the centre of the learning process. Modification and progression are covered in relation to students' socio-emotional developmental level, cognitive structures, and physical capacity. GCA-based pedagogies highlight the intellectual dimensions of games, which can contribute to critical thinking, autonomy and classroom skills as well as better understanding of physical activity and its importance for physical and health literacy.
Course content

1. Game-centred approaches - literacy definitions

                1.1. Physical Literacy

                1.2. Health Literacy

                1.3. Games Literacy

                1.4. Sport Literacy


2. Game-centred approaches

2.1. Traditional Models (TM)

2.2. Teaching Games for Understanding 

2.3. Tactical Games Model 

2.4. Games Sense 

2.5. Games Education Model 

2.6. Play Practice 

2.7. Constraints-led Approaches 

2.8. Sport Education


3. Modifying games

                3.1. Developmentally appropriate

                                3.1.1. Formative games

                                3.1.2. Innovative games

                                3.1.3. Inclusion games

                3.2. Games structure

                                3.2.1. Purposes

                                3.2.2. Players

                                3.2.3. Movement

                                3.2.4. Objects

                                3.2.5. Organization

                                3.2.6. Limits

                3.3. Games degree of difficulty

                3.4. Optimal inclusion / challenge


4. Common elements of games

                4.1. Locomotion

                4.2. Movement

                4.3. Manipulative

                4.4. Cognitive

                4.5. Social

                4.6. Teamwork


5. Games progressions

                5.1. Foundational / developmental games

                5.2. Low level games

                5.3. Cooperative games

                5.4. Competitive games

                5.5. Scoring games

                5.6. Minor games

                5.7. Modified games

                5.8. Small sided games

                5.9. Lead up games

                5.10. Target games

                5.11. Net / wall games

                5.12. Striking / fielding games

                5.13. Invasion / territorial / go-to, go-through games

                5.14. Inventing / creating games


6. Games assessment

                6.1. Learning domains

                                6.1.1. Cognitive

                                6.1.2. Motor

                                6.1.3. Affective

                6.2. Formative

                6.3. Summative


7. Planning for instruction

7.1. Sampling
7.2. Representation
7.3. Exaggeration
7.4. Tactical complexity
7.5. Transfer
7.6. Unit plan

 7.6.1. Developmentally appropriate


                7.6.2. Learning domains and objectives

                7.6.3. Task analysis and content progression

                7.6.4. Assessment

7.7. Lesson plan

7.7.1. Time and class management

7.7.2. Task presentation and structure

7.7.3. Communication

7.7.4. Instructional information

7.7.5. Use of questions

7.7.6. Review and closure

7.7.7. Assessment

Learning activities


Discussion Groups

Practical Applications

Field Observation



Guest Speakers



Means of assessment

Evaluation will be carried out in accordance with Douglas College policy. The instructor will present a written course outline with specific evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. Evaluation may include the following:

Participation 0-25%
Microteaching lessons 0-25%
Journal 0-25%
Class observations 0-25%
Unit plan 0-25%
Article Reviews 0-25%
Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze various game-centred approaches (GCAs): E.g. Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach and its derivatives, sport education, inventing games to determine elementary and/or secondary relevance,
  2. Apply various GCAs to education settings: E.g. TGfU approach and its derivatives, sport education, inventing games,
  3. Create cognitive, affective, and psychomotor assessments that align with different GCAs,
  4. Adapt GCAs to be inclusive of students within elementary and/or secondary settings,
  5. Summarize the components of physical and health literacy as they apply to GCAs, and
  6. Create GCA resources – lesson plans, unit plans, concept and/or mind maps, task cards, etc.
Textbook materials

Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. Students will require internet access to participate in this course. Example textbooks and materials may include:

Mitchell, S.A., Oslin, J.L., & Griffin, L.L.  (current edition). Teaching sport concepts and skills: A tactical games approach for ages 7 to 18.  Human Kinetics: Chicago, IL.

Morris, G.S.D., & Stiehl, J.  (current edition).  Changing kids’ games.  Human Kinetics: Chicago, IL.

Siedentop, D., Hastie, P.A., & Van Der Mars, H.  (current edition).  Complete guide to Sport Education.  Human Kinetics: Chicago, IL.



Enrolment in the Graduate Diploma in Physical and Health Education.


No corequisite courses.


No equivalent courses.

Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for SPSC 5395
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

There are no course offerings this semester.