
Veterinary Laboratory Procedures 1 Lab

Science & Technology
Veterinary Technology
Course code
VTEC 1307
Semester length
2 Weeks
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Course designation
Industry designation
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
This is a condensed lab-only course intended for students registered in the part-time VTEC program. Students perform veterinary laboratory skills such as use and care of microscopes, parasite identification, diagnostic tests for parasites including fecal analysis, hematology, collection of samples for laboratory analysis and laboratory record keeping.
Course content

General laboratory skills:

  • laboratory equipment maintenance, calibration and use
  • laboratory logs and forms


  • sample collection and preparation
  • parasite identification
  • diagnostic tests such as fecal flotation, sedimentation and direct smear


  • sample collection and preparation
  • packed cell volume and total protein
  • manual complete blood count with differential
  • red and white blood cell morphology 
  • platelet and reticulocyte counts
  • calculation of hematologic indices
Learning activities

Laboratory skills are taught, practiced and evaluated in-person. Sample collection procedures may include use of canine and feline models (including cadavers) and live animals.

Means of assessment

Assessment will be in accordance with the Douglas College Evaluation Policy. The instructor will present a written course outline listing the specific essential skills to be evaluated and the evaluation criteria at the beginning of the semester. 

In order to achieve a grade of C (or higher) in the course, students must:

  • demonstrate competency (a performance of 60% or higher) in an evaluation of each of the assigned essential skills.
  • attend a minimum of 80% of the scheduled hours in Lab.

Evaluation will be based on:

Practical evaluations: 50-75% (no single evaluation worth more than 20%)

Attendance and participation: 25-50%

TOTAL 100%

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • use common laboratory equipment, including a compound microscope, refractometer and centrifuge;
  • maintain and calibrate laboratory equipment;
  • collect and prepare samples for laboratory analysis;
  • identify the common veterinary parasites of domestic animals;
  • perform fecal tests for parasite identification such as fecal flotation, sedimentation, direct smears and Baermann test;
  • perform microscopy to identify external parasites such as lice and mites;
  • identify the different components of blood;
  • perform common veterinary hematology diagnostic tests such as manual complete blood counts, packed cell volume, analysis of red and white blood cell morphology, platelet estimates and reticulocyte counts;
  • perform an animal dissection and collect appropriate samples for laboratory analysis;
  • complete laboratory logs and forms.
Textbook materials

Consult the Douglas College Bookstore for the latest required textbooks and materials. Example textbooks and materials may include:

  • Sirois, Margi. (Current Edition). Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians. Elsevier.



VTEC 1302

Students in the Veterinary Technology program are required to maintain a minimum grade of (C) in all courses in order to progress in the program.





No corequisite courses.


Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for VTEC 1307
There are no applicable transfer credits for this course.

Course Offerings

Summer 2025

section details
CRN Days Instructor Status More details
Maximum seats
Currently enrolled
Remaining seats:
On waitlist
Coquitlam - Bldg. A
Start Time
End Time
Section notes

This is a condensed course