English as a Second Language
Course List
Code | Course Description |
EASL 0154 | Lower Intermediate Conversation for students of English as a Second Language (Combined Section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0144 is the first in a series of combined listening and speaking courses. This course is for students who wish to upgrade their conversational skills in order to continue their education or improve their employment opportunities. Exercises will help students initiate and respond appropriately to communication in a variety of routine settings. The conversation practice will also provide an opportunity for language skill development, including grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary, as well as for pronunciation improvement. |
EASL 0164 | Lower Intermediate Reading for students of EASL (combined section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0174 is the first in a series of combined reading and writing courses, for students who wish to upgrade their reading in order to continue their education, improve employment opportunities and meet day to day reading needs. EASL 0164 is an extensive reading course for the student who has learned some grammar and vocabulary and who can read simplified EASL material, but who has little experience reading in English without translation. |
EASL 0174 | Composition for Lower Intermediate Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0164 is the first in a series of combined reading and writing courses for students who wish to upgrade their writing in order to continue their education or improve employment opportunities. It is designed for students who have functional listening and speaking skills and some basic writing skills, but limited experience in writing for specific purposes. This course is primarily concerned with providing extensive writing practice to improve confidence and to give a base for developing writing competence. Using materials from the corequisite EASL 0164, students will generate and organize ideas into short compositions, improve grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary, and proofread for basic errors. |
EASL 0244 | Upper Intermediate Listening for Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0254 is the second in a series of combined listening and speaking |
EASL 0254 | Upper Intermediate Conversation for Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0244 is the second in a series of combined listening and speaking courses. This course is for students who wish to upgrade their conversational skills in order to continue their education or improve their employment opportunities. Exercises will help students communicate appropriately in a variety of settings. The emphasis will be on participating in longer conversations, and communicating in non routine situations. Some classroom speaking skills, such as making short, informal presentations and |
EASL 0264 | Upper Intermediate Reading for Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0274 is the second in a series of combined reading and writing courses. This course is for students who wish to continue their education, to improve work opportunities, and to meet day to day reading needs. EASL 0264 is an intensive reading course, which emphasizes specific reading skills such as predicting, scanning, skimming, surveying, guessing meaning from context, notetaking and critiquing. |
EASL 0274 | Composition for Upper Intermediate Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Course) This course with its corequisite EASL 0264 is the second in a series of combined reading and writing courses for students who wish to upgrade their writing and reading in order to continue their education or improve employment opportunities. It is designed for students who have some composition experience and intermediate listening and speaking skills. This course will mainly provide practice in writing different types of expository paragraphs and short compositions. Students will use ideas from the readings in EASL 0264 to generate ideas into increasingly longer compositions and practice organizing, editing and revising. Exercises will help students clarify and elaborate supporting points, use grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary accurately, and proofread for errors. |
EASL 0344 | Advanced Listening for Students of English as a Second Language (combined course) This course with its corequisite EASL 0354 is the third in a series of combined listening and speaking courses. This course is for students who wish to upgrade their listening skills in order to continue their education or improve their employment opportunities. This course is most appropriate for people who are intending to take college or university courses. Through listening to materials from a variety of sources on many subjects, students will improve their ability to understand and respond appropriately in increasingly complex or problem situations. Students will also improve their listening skills for academic study by following formal discussions, taking simple notes, and organizing and using these notes to complete simple academic assignments. Through these activities, students will continue to develop language skills. |
EASL 0354 | Advanced Conversation and Discussion for Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Course) This course with its corequisite EASL 0344 is the third in a series of combined listening and speaking courses. This course is for students who wish to upgrade their conversational and speaking skills in order to continue their education or improve their employment opportunities. Students will improve their ability to communicate in a variety of increasingly complex settings, especially in problem situations. They will also develop formal group discussion and leadership skills, and prepare and make formal presentations. Through these activities, students will continue to develop language skills and improve fluency. |
EASL 0364 | Advanced Reading for Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Section) This course with its corequisite EASL 0374 is the third in a series of combined reading and writing courses for students who wish to upgrade their reading in order to continue their education or improve their employment opportunities and to meet day-to-day reading needs. EASL 0364 is an extensive reading course for the advanced student who needs guided practice in developing skills and behaviours appropriate for academic reading. This course emphasizes reading longer passages at a reasonable rate, and taking notes that would be useful for study purposes. There are extensive reading and library assignments which are used to generate ideas and support ideas in short essays written in the corequisite EASL 0374. |
EASL 0374 | Paragraph and Essay Composition for Students of English as a Second Language (Combined Course) The course with its corequisite EASL 0364 is the third in a series of combined reading and writing courses for students who wish to upgrade their writing and reading in order to continue their education or improve employment opportunities. It is designed for students who have experience writing expository paragraphs, reasonable control of grammar and sentence structure, and good listening and speaking skills. This course emphasizes writing for a variety of academic purposes; in addition to improving composing, editing, revising and proofreading skills, students will develop short, five-paragraph essays. In this context, students will be introduced to simple research skills, such as finding, using, and footnoting source materials in the corequisite EASL 0364. |
EASL 0464 | College Preparatory Reading Skills for Students of English as a Second Language (combined course) This course with its corequisite EASL 0474 is the final in a series of combined reading and writing courses for students who wish to upgrade their reading and writing in order to continue their education. |
EASL 0474 | Essay Composition and Research Papers for Students of English as a Second Language (combined course) This course with its corequisite EASL 0464 is the final in a series of combined reading and writing courses for students who wish to upgrade their reading and writing in order to continue their education. |
EASL 0491 |
This course is an adjunct course for EASL students enrolled in Psychology 1100. Students will develop language and study skills to support their Psychology 1100 coursework. Activities will help students perform the reading and writing tasks required to do well on tests and satisfactorily complete course assignments, such as research reports. Class activities will also assist students in improving listening and speaking skills to participate effectively in Psychology 1100 lecture and presentation components. |
EASL 0495 | EASL for Economics 1101 Students This course is an adjunct course for EASL students enrolled in Economics 1101. Students will develop language and study skills to support their Economics 1101 coursework. Activities will develop the listening and speaking skills students need to participate effectively in and out of class. They will also develop the reading and writing skills required to complete course assignments satisfactorily and perform well on tests. Students' overall academic language proficiency should improve as well. |
EASL 0496 | EASL for English 1130 Students This course is an adjunct course for EASL students enrolled in ENGL 1130. Students will develop language and study skills to support their ENGL 1130 coursework. Activities will help students develop the reading and writing skills for composing academic argument-based essays. Students’ overall academic language proficiency should improve as well. Students must enroll in the English 1130 sections which are designated for the adjunct. |
EASL 0497 | EASL for Music History 1220 and 1221 Students This course is an adjunct course for EASL students enrolled in Music History 1220 and 1221. Students will develop language and study skills to support their Music History coursework. Activities will develop the listening and speaking skills students need to participate effectively in and out of class. They will also |
EASL 0498 | EASL for English 1106 Students This course is an adjunct course for EASL students enrolled in English 1106 (Studies in Prose Fiction). Students will develop reading and writing skills to support their English 1106 coursework. Activities will help students understand, critically analyze and write critical essays on works of literature. Students’ overall ability to work with literature should improve as well. |