Course List
Code | Course Description |
MATH 1101 |
This is a one semester course for students who need to improve their knowledge of algebra. Topics covered include: functions and relations, domain and range; algebraic techniques, factoring, exponents and radicals, polynomial and rational expressions; solving and graphing equations and inequalities in one variable; solving and graphing systems of equations; quadratic equations; graphing lines and parabolas; mathematical modeling; basic geometric formulas. |
MATH 1105 |
This course covers the essentials of functions (linear, quadratic, polynomial, logarithmic, exponential, and trigonometric), graphing, solving equations and inequalities, systems of equations, and sequences and series. It is designed to meet the needs of students who plan to go on to take Precalculus (MATH 1110), Calculus for the Social Sciences (MATH 1125) or Introduction to Statistics (MATH 1160), or who require a grade 12-level math course to transfer to technical or vocational programmes. |
MATH 1110 |
This is a one semester course for students who wish to prepare for MATH 1120 Calculus. It covers graphing and solution of equations involving polynomial, rational, circular, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions, in addition to conic sections. This is a challenging course that moves through the topics required for later study of calculus quickly and in depth. Students who have never taken Precalculus 12 or Principles of Math 12 are advised to take MATH 1105 first. A graphing calculator is required. |
MATH 1120 |
MATH 1120 is an introductory calculus course for science students. The course includes limits, continuity, and the differentiation of algebraic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Differentiation techniques are applied to graphing, extrema, related rates, and rectilinear motion, as well as to parametric and polar equations. This course is taught using a graphing calculator. |
MATH 1121 |
This course is a supplement to MATH 1120-Calculus I with an emphasis on proving theorems from MATH 1120. Topics include the limit, continuity, differentiability, proof of differentiation rules, proof of the Mean Value Theorem and L’Hôpital’s rule. |
MATH 1123 |
An introductory differential calculus course with applications chosen for students pursuing biological or medical sciences. Topics include: limits, growth rate and the derivative, elementary functions, optimization and approximation methods and their applications, mathematical models of biological processes. |
MATH 1125 | Calculus for the Social Sciences This course is an introduction to differential calculus for students in business and social sciences. Topics include limits, differentiation techniques for algebraic, logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions, mathematical modeling, applications to graphing and optimization, implicit differentiation and differentials. |
MATH 1130 |
MATH 1130 is the first of two courses for computing science students. Topics include logic, set theory, functions, algorithms, mathematical reasoning, recursive definitions, counting and relations. |
MATH 1160 |
A pre-calculus introduction to descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency and variation, elementary probability, probability distributions, sampling, hypothesis testing, regression, and correlation. |
MATH 1183 | Mathematics for Veterinary Technology This is a one semester course for students in Veterinary Technology. Topics covered include: calculations involving fractions, decimals and percentages, scientific notation, ratio and proportion, dimensional analysis, clinical applications, measurement systems, dosage calculations for oral and parenteral medication, calculations for creating solutions such as intravenous fluids, constant rate infusions and dilutions with applications in anaesthesia, radiology and nutrition. |
MATH 1191 |
This is a one semester course which explores the basic mathematical concepts which are taught in the elementary school curriculum. Topics will include sets, whole numbers and integers, arithmetic operations, rational and real numbers and the study of informal geometry including curves, angles, area and volume, symmetry, congruence and motion geometry. Students are advised that this course requires a considerable time commitment. |
MATH 1220 |
MATH 1220 is an introduction to integral calculus. It develops the concept of the integral and its applications. Other topics include techniques of integration, improper integrals, sequences and series of numbers, Taylor series, polar coordinates, parametric equations, and separable differential equations. |
MATH 1221 | Calculus II Honours Supplement This course is a supplement to MATH 1220-Calculus II with an emphasis on proving theorems from MATH 1220. Topics include the definite integral, properties of integrals, applications of integration, sequences and series, and Taylor series. |
MATH 1223 |
An integral calculus course with applications chosen for students pursuing Life or Health sciences. Topics include: the integral and its applications, partial derivatives, differential equations, numerical and power series, linear systems and their applications, mathematical models of biological processes. |
MATH 1225 | Calculus II for the Social Sciences This course provides an introduction to integral calculus and multivariable calculus for students in business and social sciences. Topics include theory and methods of integration for functions of a single variable, applications of the integral, partial derivatives, optimization and integration of functions of two variables, elementary first order separable and linear differential equations, and Taylor series. Applications from business and social sciences develop a meaningful context for the theory throughout the course. |
MATH 1234 |
This course for liberal arts students explores mathematics topics in order to improve quantitative reasoning and decision-making in everyday life, as well as to develop an appreciation for the power and beauty of mathematics in the world around us. Topics of study vary by term and by instructor. Good English writing and communications skills are recommended. |
MATH 2210 |
MATH 2210 is an introductory course in linear algebra with an emphasis on application to problems in engineering and science. Topics include vectors and geometry, systems of linear equations, matrices, subspaces, determinants, linear transformations, complex numbers, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and orthogonality. Students with credit for MATH 2232 may not take this course for further credit. |
MATH 2230 |
This is the second of two discrete mathematics courses for computing science students. Topics in this course include cardinality of sets, recursion, recurrence relations, generating functions, inclusion-exclusion, equivalence relations, partial orders, partitions, graphs, trees, and complexity of algorithms. |
MATH 2232 |
MATH 2232 is a one semester introductory course designed to provide a foundation in the mathematics of linear algebra. This course is often the first course in abstract mathematics and the student is taught how to prove theorems. Topics include the solving of systems of equations, matrices and determinants, the vector space, n-dimensional Euclidean space, general vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the diagonalisation of matrices. |
MATH 2245 | Introduction to Mathematical Analysis An introduction to analysis for students who have successfully completed the first year of calculus. This course presents foundation concepts in analysis which lay the groundwork for further study in pure and applied mathematics, in particular real analysis courses. It is normally required material for mathematics majors. Topics studied include the nature of proof, set theory and cardinality, the real numbers, limits of sequences and functions, continuity, formal coverage of the derivative and the mean value theorem, Taylor’s theorem, the Riemann integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and topics in infinite series. |
MATH 2260 | Probability and Statistics for Science & Engineering Introduction to descriptive statistics, laws of probability, distributions of continuous and discrete random variables, inferential statistics, correlation and linear regression. This course rigorously develops statistical theory and is intended for those students who will continue on in applied disciplines or wish to pursue more statistics courses. |
MATH 2321 |
This course extends the theory of differential and integral calculus to functions of many variables. Topics include the study of vectors, quadric surfaces, vector functions, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, vector fields and line integrals; all with applications. |
MATH 2421 | Introduction to Differential Equations This course is an introduction to ordinary differential equations. Topics include the solution of first- and higher order differential equations, power series solutions, Laplace transforms, linear and non-linear systems and applications. |
MATH 2440 |
This is a course in vector calculus that applies calculus to vector functions of a single variable as well as to scalar and vector fields. Topics include vector algebra, vector-valued functions, scalar and vector fields, gradient, divergence, curl, line, surface and volume integrals, the divergence theorem as well as the theorems of Green and Stokes. |
MATH 3316 | Introduction to Numerical Analysis This course is a presentation of the problems commonly arising in numerical analysis and scientific computing and the basic methods for their solutions. Topics include number systems and errors, solution of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, interpolation and approximation, differentiation and integration, and initial value problems. This course will involve the use of a numerical software package (such as MATLAB) and/or a high-level programming language (such as C/C++). |