Political Science
Course List
Code | Course Description |
INST 1100 | Introduction to International Studies To understand the political, social, cultural, and economic dimensions of globalization is vital in an increasingly complex and integrated world. This course provides an introduction to key concepts and approaches in international studies using an interdisciplinary approach. The course examines patterns of conflict and cooperation between nations, states, and social and cultural groups within the global system, and focuses on ethnic and religious conflict, human security, the environment, and global economic inequalities. INST 1100 is a core course in the Intercultural and International Studies Associate of Arts Degree. |
POLI 1101 | Introduction to Political Science This course provides an introductory overview of the nature of politics and government, how to create good governments, and how best to structure political institutions (and limit their powers). The course examines basic political concepts, theories and ideologies, institutions of government, and the structures and processes of politics and policy-making. The course also prepares students for further study in political science by providing conceptual and analytical tools appropriate to the field. |
POLI 1102 | Introduction to Canadian Government This course explores the structure and functions of the main institutions of Canadian government. Students examine Canada’s Constitution and governmental institutions including: the federal system, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Crown, prime minister, Cabinet, bureaucracy, Parliament, and judiciary. Students will also examine the electoral system, elections, political participation, party system, advocacy groups, social movements, and lobbyist activities. Throughout the course, students critically assess the relationship between the Canadian State and Indigenous Peoples. The course provides the basis for understanding Canada’s parliamentary system and more advanced study of Canadian governments. Students are encouraged to enroll in both POLI 1102 (Introduction to Canadian Government) and POLI 2202 (Introduction to Canadian Politics) to enhance their university transfer if majoring in political science. |
POLI 1103 | Introduction to World Politics This course focuses on the interactions of nation-states, international organizations, civil society, economic actors, and individuals in global politics. While the nation-state is traditionally viewed as the fundamental unit of world politics, since the end of the Cold War that predominance has been challenged by increased globalization, as well as radical localization and rebellion. These factors together have reduced the remaining power of many nation-states and undermined the capacity of all nation-states to regulate their own affairs. |
POLI 2200 |
This course will examine political controversies that raise fundamental ethical issues in contemporary public life and the political choices of public officials. The course will analyse the ethical dimensions of public policy and examine basic questions such as the proper place of ethics in politics, the difference in ethical behaviour in the public and private spheres, and whether the state should be neutral with respect to moral beliefs. Specific topics and issues will include, for example, the limits of political power, the rule of law, conflict of interest, minority cultural rights, health care, and debate over the welfare state. |
POLI 2201 | Introduction to Political Theory This course introduces students to selected great thinkers of Western political theory who inspired others to critically assess their political thinking and understanding of citizenship. Their ideas will serve as the starting point for appraising the relationship between politics and philosophy and the search for justice and the good life. What makes authority legitimate? What freedoms can citizens claim? What are rights? What does justice require? This course is intended for students without any formal background in political theory or philosophy. |
POLI 2202 | Introduction to Canadian Politics This course introduces students to Canada’s political traditions and culture, political socialization and participation, class and ethnic politics, the Quebec question, the electoral process, and political parties and advocacy groups in the Canadian governing system. Students are encouraged to enroll in both POLI 1102 (Introduction to Canadian Government) and POLI 2202 (Introduction to Canadian Politics) to enhance their university transfer if majoring in political science. |
POLI 2203 |
The media almost daily reports on humanitarian disasters arising someplace in the world. This course examines contemporary issues in world politics including war, genocide, human security, the environment and global economic inequality. The course will assess attempts within the international system to manage conflict and the challenges posed by economic globalization and the environment. |
POLI 2205 |
British Columbia’s politics is the Wild West of Canadian politics. This course examines the evolution of the province’s politics and government. This examination will be considered from both descriptive and comparative perspectives, with a focus on the structural approach to exploring the ideas, institutions, and |
POLI 2209 |
This course examines American political institutions and processes, including the presidency, congress, the federal court system, political parties, the media, and the electoral system. The course explores how these institutions and processes function within changing American Constitutional principles of the rule of law, federalism, shared/divided powers of government, individual and civil rights, as well as domestic and foreign policy. Different perspectives on how to understand political action, effectiveness, and engagement are considered. The course will also assist students in developing an understanding of role and actions of the United States in various global contexts. |
POLI 2210 | Introduction to Comparative Politics Why are some countries democratic and others authoritarian? How and in what ways do different political systems affect citizen welfare? How do we assess competing and rival political systems? This course explores key questions, issues, methods, and developments in the study of comparative politics and government. The nature of politics and governance across different political regimes will be compared using analytical methods that will deepen students’ knowledge of governing and policy alternatives. |
POLI 3300 | The Politics of Utopias and Dystopias Literary utopias and dystopias are critical mirrors of governments and societies. Such writings reflect cultural responses to changing values and beliefs, the desire for a better future, or fear of great dysfunction -- but they are all intrinsically political. This course will examine how utopian and dystopian works are powerful commentaries on political and social relationships. It will show how such works can enhance students' abilities to discuss and assess current political issues and to formulate and reflect on their own ideas of what constitute a good society. |