Student Success
Course List
Code | Course Description |
STSU 1100 | Introduction to College Studies This first semester experience course is intended to assist students in their successful transition to Douglas College. The content of the course is designed to help students in becoming more independent learners in order that they can make the most of their educational opportunities. The course will expose students to the numerous resources and services available at Douglas College. Students will learn how to enhance their current study skills toward developing a foundation for lifelong learning and career development. |
STSU 1105 | Arts Connections – Skills for Success This course is intended to assist students in the Arts Connections program to improve the skills associated with student success in an academic environment. The content of the course is designed to help students to become more independent learners and maximize their educational opportunities. Students will learn how to enhance and integrate effective learning strategies and study skills within the context of the other Arts Connections courses. |
STSU 1115 | Student Success 115: Reading Skills for College A half-semester course emphasizing improvement of reading comprehension and rate. Skills introduced include previewing, skimming, scanning, information analysis, critical reading skills, flexibility of reading rate. Students are encouraged to develop skills in special study/interest areas (academic, business, technical). |
STSU 1120 | Student Success 120: Study Skills for College A half-semester course in which useful study skills are demonstrated: listening skills, exam preparation, taking lecture and text notes, time utilization, concentrating and remembering, information analysis, general approaches to study, study techniques and specific subjects, and the writing of themes and course papers. |