Engineering and Fabrication Technologies (Diploma)

Curriculum Guideline

Effective Date:
Program code
Science & Technology
Credential type
Transcript title
Engineering and Fab Tech
Date of first offering
Start term
End term
Diploma in Engineering and Fabrication Technologies
Length of program
Two years
Admissions requirements

Applicants to the Engineering and Fabrication Technologies Diploma Program must meet the following criteria in order to receive admission to the program and priority registration:

  • General College Admission Requirements
  • Chemistry 12 with a minimum grade of C+ or acceptable substitution*
  • Physics 12 with a minimum grade of C or acceptable substitution*
  • Precalculus 12 with a minimum grade of B or acceptable substitution*

* In most cases, university transferable coursework completed in the above subject areas can be used toward meeting the cohort priority registration eligibility requirements.

Preferential GPA Admission:  Applicants will be offered admission based on the Grade Point Average (GPA) of the courses required for admission. Applicants with the highest GPAs will receive the first offers.

Curriculum framework

Graduation Requirements For Students Completing By Summer 2023:

  • Successful completion of 68 credits
  • 25% (17 credits) of all coursework must be completed at Douglas College
  • A minimum grade of "C" is required in all coursework
  • A minimum program GPA of 2.33 is required
  • Time limit to complete program graduation requirements: seven (7) years

Graduation Requirements For Students Completing After Summer 2023:

  • Successful completion of 68 credits
  • 50% (34 credits) of all coursework must be completed at Douglas College
  • A minimum grade of "C" is required in all coursework
  • A minimum program GPA of 2.33 is required
  • Time limit to complete program graduation requirements: seven (7) years

Course Requirements:

Course Number Course Title Credits
Required Courses:
CHEM 1150* Chemistry for Engineering 4.00
CMPT 1109 Computer Programming I 3.00
CMPT 2200 Designing with Raspberry Pi 3.00
ENGR 1110 Engineering Graphics & Design 3.00
ENGR 1190 Introduction to Engineering Design 4.00
ENGR 2100 Prototype and Practical Skills 1:
Mechanical Fabrication
ENGR 2200 Prototype and Practical Skills 2:
Electronics Design
ENGR 2999 Applied Engineering Project: Field Protoype Development 3.00
MATH 1120 Calculus I 3.00
MATH 1220 Calculus II 3.00
MATH 2210** Applied Linear Algebra 3.00
MATH 2321 Calculus III 3.00
MATH 2421 Introduction to Differential Equations 3.00
PHYS 1110 Mechanics 5.00
PHYS 1210 Electromagnetism, Optics, 
Modern Physics
Elective Select one university transferable***
Arts elective
Select one course from the following two options****:
CMNS 1135 Professional Communication for Engineering Students 3.00
ENGL 1130 Academic Writing 3.00
Select three courses from the following options:
CHEM 1210 Chemical Energetics and Dynamics 5.00
CMPT 1209 Computer Programming II 3.00
CMPT 2276 Introduction to Software Engineering 3.00
CMPT 2300 Data Structures and Algorithms 3.00
ECON 1250 Principles of Macroeconomics 3.00
ENGR 1100 Engineering and Technology in Society 3.00
ENGR 1180 Introduction to Engineering Analysis 3.00
MATH 2260 Probability and Statistics for Science &
MATH 2440 Calculus IV 3.00
MATH 3316 Introduction to Numerical Analysis 3.00
PHYS 1170 Mechanics for Applied Science 3.00

Total Credits



* CHEM 1110 may be used as an acceptable substitution for CHEM 1150.

** MATH 2232 may be used as an acceptable substitution for MATH 2210.

*** A University Transferable course is a course that transfer to one of the Research Universities - SFU, UBC (UBCV or UBCO), UNBC or UVIC in the BC Transfer Guide. Please contact the Engineering Coordinator for information on choosing electives.

**** Some students may require further English upgrading before taking CMNS or ENGL courses. Please check the course prerequisites for more information.

Academic Standard

To maintain status in the Diploma in Engineering and Fabrication Technologies program, students must meet the following criteria:

  1. maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.33 each semester; AND
  2. achieve a minimum grade of C in all registered academic courses; AND
  3. register in the required course load each semester (a minimum of four courses per semester).

NOTE: if any of the above criteria are not met, students may be placed on program probation for one semester. Any students on program probation that do not meet the above criteria may be removed from the program. Students who are not able to remain enrolled in the program, may complete the credential through open enrolment.