Course code
OADM 1104
Online Learner Success
Office Administration
Commerce & Business Administration
Start date
End term
Semester length
2 Weeks X 7.5 Hours per Week = 15 Hours
Max class size
Contact hours
7.5 hours per week
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
Instruction, tutorials, small group experiences, and ongoing self-assessment will provide the learner with an opportunity to adopt methods which will enhance his/her success in the online environment. Each session builds on previous content, and anticipates the session that follows, thus building a framework for success.
Course description
This is a BCcampus on-line provincial course. Online Learner Success (OLS) is designed to provide the online learner with a working knowledge of the program called Desire2Learn (D2L). Assignments or activities in the course have been designed to demonstrate the use of various tools in the D2L program.
Course content
- Navigate D2L
- Use the basic features of a Web Browser
- Email class participants and instructor
- Use the dropbox to submit assignments
- Complete online quizzes and self-tests
- Participate in a chat group
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the learner will have demonstrated the ability to:
- Use the navigation menu and links to move in D2L
- Use communication tools of D2L (discussions, chat, email)
- Use evaluations tools such as assignments, quizzes, and self-tests
- Download and upload files as attachments through email and discussions
Means of assessment
Mastery. Students will achieve mastery when they:
- Complete the tutorial
- Complete all assigned work
- Demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in the D2L environment
Textbook materials
Not Applicable