
Psychiatric Nursing Community Concepts

Health Sciences
Nursing - Psychiatric
Course code
PNUR 4572
Semester length
Max class size
Method(s) of instruction
Course designation
Certificate in Global Competency
Industry designation
Typically offered
To be determined


Course description
The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to concepts related to mental health practice in the community. The continuum of community care is explored including the historical development, influencing factors, and theoretical underpinnings in providing population based nursing within a health promotion framework. Concepts provide a foundation for understanding community mental health nursing using best practices. An overview of assessment techniques related to community mental health nursing will be explored using the Community as Partner Model Systems Framework as a guide both to psychiatric nursing theory and application for working with clients and aggregate populations in community mental health. This course guides the learner to build on previous knowledge of nursing theory and experiences. The roles and responsibilities of the psychiatric nurse in caring for individuals experiencing serious and persistent mental health disorders will be explored in the context of community heath models of care.
Course content

1. An extensive overview of the community mental health system.  

2. The evolution of the community mental health system. 

3. Community mental health system, including the role of stakeholders in the community mental health system.

4. Legislation that directly impacts the care of individuals with serious and persistent mental health issues.

5. The interface between the criminal justice system and mental health. 

6. Interventions and programs to address the health of individuals living in the community with persistent mental illness are examined.  

7.  The impact of poverty and housing to mental health.

8. The risk factors, incidence, and treatment of selected communicable infections (i.e. HIV/AIDS & TB).    

9. Health promotion in the context of the health of populations. 

10. The Community as Partner model.

11. The health of vulnerable or marginalized populations.






Learning activities

Students will acquire knowledge and skill and learn to apply concepts through a variety of means of instruction and activities, including: lecture, demonstration, audio-visual aids, case studies, debate forums, critical thinking exercises and teamwork. 

Means of assessment

The course evaluation is consistent with Douglas College evaluation policy.  An evaluation schedule is presented at the beginning of the course.


This is a graded course.

Learning outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes


Overview of Community Mental Health (CMH)

  1. Explore and apply explanatory models in community mental health
    1. Recovery
    2. Trauma Informed Practice
    3. Stress/Vulnerability Model 
  2. Describe a continuum of CMH services
  3. Describe the role and impact of community case management on the health of individuals with serious and persistent mental illness
  4. Explore the impact of inter professional collaboration on CMH nursing practice
  5. Apply applicable legalization to CMH nursing practice, including mental health act, and consent, capability, & confidentiality
  6. Consider Professional Standards for Psychiatric Nursing , Ethics, and Best practices in the context of CMH nursing practice

Application of the Nursing Process to CMH practice

Describe the assessment process in CMH

  1. Describe secondary/tertiary prevention in CMH, such as
  2. Describe pharmacological intervention
  3. Explore Recovery/relapse prevention
  4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for variances in mood and thinking
  5. Use the nursing process to examine micro and macro strategies to address housing, hoarding, and homelessness
  6. Use the nursing process to describe care (individual and population) for communicable infections:
    1. HIV
    2. TB

Population Health and Health Promotion in a Nursing Context 

  1. Describe population health and health promotion
  2. Explore the determinants of health in the context of CMH
  3. Apply the Community as Partner Model to population health
  4. Explore the needs of vulnerable populations including  Aboriginal health in a population health framework
  5. Discuss issues such as cultural safety, social justice and advocacy in psychiatric nursing and population health
Textbook materials

Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students:

A list of required and optional textbooks and materials is provided for students at the beginning of each semester.


Course Guidelines

Course Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this course and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the course, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Course Transfers

These are for current course guidelines only. For a full list of archived courses please see

Institution Transfer details for PNUR 4572
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) KPU NRSG 4620 (2)

Course Offerings

There are no course offerings this semester.