Have a knack for technology? Want to break into Canada’s emerging tech industry? Take the first step to a career in software development, programming, information security analysis and much more with a Computing Science Certificate. With this one-year certificate, you’ll build your computer literacy, and gain a solid foundation in applied and academic computer programming and computing science. The program includes courses in Python and C++ programming, and using Raspberry Pi.
What can a Certificate in Computing Science do for you?
Close to 9,700 software developer and programmer jobs are expected for the next ten years in B.C., with workers earning an average salary of $95,000 per year.
All Computing Science courses and their credits are fully transferable to the 5 main research universities in British Columbia: SFU, UBC, UBCO, UNBC and UVic. You can also continue your education into the second year of our Diploma in Computing Science.