Modern Languages

Course List

Code Course Description
LING 1101

Introduction to Language and Linguistics

This course is an introduction to language structure. Students will develop an appreciation of structural similarities among languages despite apparent linguistic diversity. A variety of language samples drawn from different languages, 3 from the Indo-European family and 3 from non-Indo-European families, will be analysed. Topics will include the sound system (speech sounds, articulation, patterning), word formation (inflection, derivation, composition), sentence formation (parts of speech, phrases, clauses, deep/surface structure, X-bar theory, movement) and word meaning (lexical semantic relations) and sentence meaning (thematic roles, discourse).

LING 1102

Linguistic Diversity and Cultural Diversity

This course is an introduction to the non-structural aspects of language with an emphasis on cultural diversity. Students will develop an appreciation of cultural diversity by studying similarities and differences among languages of the world, 3 from the Indo-European and 3 from the non-Indo-European language families. Topics covered may include, but are not restricted to, language development and language attrition/language death, language classification, typology and universals, language change, meaning in language, writing, the modern world and communication.

MODL 1101

Basic French I

This course is designed for students who have little or no knowledge of French.

In this course, students develop their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training. Students will acquire basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

French is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1102

Basic French II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1101 or equivalent.

In this course, students upgrade their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

French is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1105

Introduction to the French-Speaking World: Language(s), Regions and Cultures

This course is designed to introduce non-specialist and specialist language students to the French-speaking world. It will present the history, development and characteristics of the French language and some regional languages in Francophone areas; examine French as a colonial language; present French-speaking regions; and explore different forms of cultural expression from around the French-speaking world.
The course is delivered in English so it is open to students with no prior knowledge of French.

MODL 1131

Basic German I

This course is designed for students who have little or no knowledge of German. In this course, students develop their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day-to-day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training. Students will acquire basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture. German is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1132

Basic German II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1131 or equivalent.
In this course, students upgrade their language skills for purposes of 1) participating in day-to-day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, and 4) preparing for further education or training. Students will develop basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. German is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1151

Basic Spanish I

This course is designed for students with little or no knowledge of Spanish. It is aimed at developing basic oral and written communication skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Spanish is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1152

Basic Spanish II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1151 or equivalent. It is aimed at developing further basic oral and written communication skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Spanish is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1153

Introduction to the Language and Cultures of the Spanish-Speaking World

This course provides an introduction to a wide range of language and cultural practices and issues specific to the Spanish-speaking world, and the critical tools from diverse methodologies needed to analyse and understand them. The course, which focuses on the interaction between the Spanish language and the cultures that underlie it, is designed to increase students’ ability to navigate more meaningfully within these cultures, and potentially use Spanish more effectively. Written, audio and visual cultural texts are examined. The course is taught in English and prior knowledge of Spanish is not required.

MODL 1161

American Sign Language Level 1

This course provides an introduction to American Sign Language (ASL) for individuals who have little or no prior knowledge of it. Students gain a fundamental appreciation for how signed languages differ from spoken languages, with emphasis on ASL's essential 3-dimensionality, i.e., their visual-gestural nature, requiring students to use their eyes to take in linguistic information, and their hands, face and body to convey linguistic information. This course provides an immersive classroom experience: in it, students learn through demonstration and extensive practice to recognize various visual grammatical features and develop beginning-level vocabulary.

MODL 1162

American Sign Language Level 2

This course builds on MODL 1161 and provides further beginner-level instruction in American Sign Language (ASL). Students will continue to develop language proficiency through an immersive classroom experience, extending their ability to recognize various visual grammatical features, and to further develop beginning-level vocabulary and communication skills.

MODL 1171

Basic Japanese I

This course is designed for students who have little or no knowledge of Japanese. It is aimed at developing basic oral and written communicative skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture. Japanese is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1172

Basic Japanese II

This course is designed for students who have some knowledge of Japanese, or who have completed MODL 1171. It is aimed at developing basic oral and written communicative skills, through the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture. Japanese is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1191

Basic Chinese I (Mandarin)

This course is designed for students who have little or no knowledge of Chinese language. In this course, students develop their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day-to-day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training. Students will acquire basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Chinese is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 1192

Basic Chinese II (Mandarin)

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1191 or its equivalent. It is designed to strengthen basic oral and written communicative skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Chinese is used in class as much as possible.

MODL 1261

American Sign Language Level 3

A continuation of Level 2, providing essentials of fundamental ASL structures for everyday interaction. Students develop their use of appropriate grammatical features and facial grammar, including non-manual signals, and develop their receptive and expressive signing skills. The course presents further insight into the Deaf community and Deaf culture.

MODL 1262

American Sign Language Level 4

Continuation of Level 3. Students develop ASL vocabulary and appropriate signing registers as well as skills for role-shifting and point of view when narrating in sign language, including the use of three-dimensional space and placement. The course builds further knowledge and understanding of Deaf culture.

MODL 1900

Intercultural - International Study Tour

This is a field experience course, typically offered as part of a field school or immersive study tour experience in any Modern Languages discipline.

MODL 2161

American Sign Language Level 5

Intermediate-level ASL. Students continue to build ASL vocabulary for communicating more complex concepts using appropriate grammatical structures. Emphasis is on the use of directionality, placement and three-dimensional space in conjunction with role-shifting and the refinement of expressive and receptive skills. Through dialogue and sharing of narratives, students continue to learn from examples of Deaf people’s lives and culture.

MODL 2162

American Sign Language Level 6

Continuation of some themes from Level 5. Students will learn more vocabulary, particularly ASL classifiers used to describe objects, their shape, texture, use and movement. Students will engage in dialogue and narrative practice to improve fluidity and fluency, in formal and informal registers. Students will continue to learn about issues in Deaf people’s lives today, as well as notable contributions by Deaf people in the past.

MODL 2163

American Sign Language Level 7

Students will progress from intermediate to intermediate-advanced ASL skills and increase their vocabulary. They will enhance their skills for narration, particularly role-shifting techniques, and they will increase their understanding of variety of register and tone in ASL. Students will continue to build knowledge about Deaf cultural norms for interaction.

MODL 2164

American Sign Language Level 8

Continuation of emphasis on ASL narration skills, as in Level 7. This course guides intermediate-advanced ASL users to focus on developing skills in comprehending and using ASL narrative techniques, classifiers and locatives, and ASL non-manual markers with the mouth. Students will advance their skills in creating cohesive ASL discourse using appropriate discourse topic and transition markers. Students will also apply skills related to discourse mapping of ASL texts and reconstruct ASL discourse from diagrams of their own design. This course is required for students in the Sign Language Interpretation program.

MODL 2201

Intermediate French I

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1102 or equivalent.

In this course, students upgrade their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop intermediate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

French is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 2202

Intermediate French II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2201 or equivalent.

In this course, students upgrade their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop intermediate listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

French is spoken in class as much as possible.

MODL 2231

Intermediate German I

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1132 or equivalent. It builds on previously acquired communicative skills, further develops reading and writing skills, and provides a deeper understanding of the cultural aspects of German-speaking countries. German is spoken in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2232

Intermediate German II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2231 or equivalent. It builds on previously acquired communicative skills, further develops reading and writing skills, and provides a deeper understanding of the cultural aspects of German-speaking countries. German is spoken in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2250

Spanish Conversation

This course is designed to enhance oral communication skills in Spanish. It is aimed at developing speaking fluency and enhancing vocabulary learning by means of conversations, discussions, interactive presentations, readings, audio-visual materials and vocabulary building activities, among others.
This course is also intended to increase students’ community engagement and knowledge of the Hispanic culture and may include an experiential learning component.
Only Spanish is spoken in class.

MODL 2251

Intermediate Spanish I

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1152 or equivalent. It builds on previously acquired communication skills, further develops aural comprehension, oral expression, reading and writing skills, and provides a deeper understanding of the cultures of Spain and Latin America. Spanish is used in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2252

Intermediate Spanish II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2251 or equivalent. It builds on previously acquired communication skills, further develops comprehension, oral expression, reading and writing skills, and provides a deeper understanding of the cultures of Spain and Latin America. Spanish is used in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2262

American Sign Language Level 9

Continuation of Level 8 with emphasis on ASL narrative techniques. This course will guide students to develop advanced ASL skills while furthering their ability to analyze and critique their own narrative samples. Students will learn to make clear visual sense, using appropriate time sequence, use of space, facial grammar/affect, and visual detail. Ongoing skill development includes visualization of meaning, use of classifiers, locatives, ASL mouthing, and incorporating humour appropriately. This course is required for students in the Sign Language Interpretation program.

MODL 2271

Intermediate Japanese I

This course is designed to further aural comprehension, strengthen oral expression and develop reading and writing skills for students who have completed MODL 1172. This course also aims to provide a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. Japanese is used in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2272

Intermediate Japanese II

This course is designed to further aural comprehension, strengthen oral expression and develop reading and writing skills for students who have completed MODL 2271. This course also aims to provide a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. Japanese is used in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2273

Introduction to Japan: Language, Culture and Society

This course surveys Japanese language and culture from social, historical and theoretical perspectives. During the course, students will learn about the linguistic, cultural, and social aspects of modern Japan by exploring the history and usage of the Japanese language and by examining various cultural products. The course is taught in English. Prior knowledge of Japanese is not required.

MODL 2291

Intermediate Chinese I (Mandarin)

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 1192 or its equivalent. It is designed to strengthen oral and written communicative skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Chinese is used in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2292

Interm Chinese II (Mandarin)

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2291 or its equivalent. It is designed to strengthen oral and written communicative skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture. Chinese is used in class almost exclusively.

MODL 2351

Spanish Language and Composition

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2252 or equivalent. It builds on previously acquired skills, and provides an understanding of Spanish speaking cultures. Only Spanish is spoken in class.

MODL 2361

American Sign Language Level 10

This intensive course is designed for advanced ASL students to continue increasing their ASL vocabulary and proficiency. Students will have many opportunities to practice using ASL and to continuously incorporate feedback from native ASL users, classmates and oneself. This course will also explore the difference in how English and ASL convey concepts in different settings (education, medical, community, etc). This course is required for students in the Sign Language Interpretation program.

MODL 3111

French Language and Culture Through the Media

The course is an introduction to contemporary French and Francophone cultures as represented in French media. A variety of topics will be covered to offer a cross-section of French-speaking society. Students will also develop their written and spoken French through a critical observation of French media. The course is taught entirely in French.

MODL 3301

Advanced French I

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2202 or equivalent.

In this course, students refine their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop more advanced listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

Only French is spoken in class.

MODL 3302

Advanced French II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 3301 or equivalent.

In this course, students refine their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop more advanced listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

Only French is spoken in class.

MODL 3351

Advanced Spanish I

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 2252 or equivalent. It is aimed at refining and strengthening the skills acquired in previous levels, particularly reading, writing, and oral expression; and at providing a deeper understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures. Only Spanish is spoken in class.

MODL 3352

Advanced Spanish II

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 3351 or equivalent. It is aimed at refining and strengthening the skills acquired in previous levels, particularly reading, writing, and oral expression; and at providing a deeper understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures. Only Spanish is spoken in class.

MODL 3393

Introduction to Classical Chinese I

This course is an introduction to Classical Chinese, the language of traditional Chinese culture, which includes philosophy, literature, and the arts. This course is designed to increase students’ ability to understand and appreciate historical and literary classics written in Classical Chinese. In this course, grammatical comparisons will be drawn between Classical and Modern Chinese languages, and students will be introduced to basic Classical Chinese grammar, syntax, and rhetoric expressions by examining some early works produced from ca. 1000 BC to 100 BC. This course is taught entirely in Chinese (Mandarin).

MODL 3394

Introduction to Classical Chinese II

This course is the continuation of Introduction to Classical Chinese I. Students will be introduced to basic Classical Chinese grammar, syntax, and rhetoric expressions by examining some works produced from ca. 100 BC to the end of Qing Dynasty with concentration on the period of Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It will continually increase students’ ability to understand and appreciate historical and literary classics written in Classical Chinese. In this course, more grammatical comparisons will be drawn between Classical and Modern Chinese languages. This course is taught entirely in Chinese (Mandarin).

MODL 4401

Advanced French III

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 3302 or equivalent.

In this course, students refine their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop more advanced listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

Only French is spoken in class.

MODL 4402

Advanced French IV

This course is designed for students who have completed MODL 4401 or equivalent.

In this course, students refine their language skills for purposes of: 1) participating in day to day personal, social and professional situations, 2) improving their employment opportunities, 3) participating in intercultural and/or international community activities, 4) preparing for further education or training.

Students will develop more advanced listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the study of vocabulary, grammar and culture.

Only French is spoken in class.