
Geological Resources (Diploma)

Science & Technology
Geological Resources
Length of program
Two years
Credential type
New Westminster
Learning format
Admission type
Limited Enrolment


Get the skills needed to work in mining and mineral exploration as a geological technician with the two-year Geological Resources Diploma.

Geological technicians work outdoors in some of the most beautiful – and remote – places on Earth, collecting and identifying samples of rocks and minerals, prospecting and more for the mining and mineral-exploration industries.

Get practical experience while you study

The program is a combination of academic knowledge and applied learning. You’ll do two hands-on fieldwork components, which give you the chance to do the work of a geological technician, as well as go on field trips to mines and exploration operations to see how they work. Once you graduate, you’ll have the knowledge and training to find work immediately.

Get paid, full-time work experience during your studies

Put your skills to work by joining the optional Co-operative Education Program, which alternates semesters of study with paid, full-time work in your field. You’ll earn money while gaining experience, building your resume and getting an employer reference, all before you graduate. To participate in Co-op you need to plan two semesters in advance, so we strongly recommend contacting the Co-op Office at the start of your program.

Further studies

If you decide you want to complete a geology degree, or a degree in a related field, such as geography, geophysics, geochemistry or engineering, you can transfer your (60) credits to SFU or another research university in B.C.

Qualify for professional geoscience status 
In order to become a geologist or geoscientist, you must earn a designation with the Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Your two years in the Geological Resources program will get you started on the academic requirements for this designation, which you would complete once you have transferred to university and completed a four-year degree. 

Admissions Requirements

Applicants to the Geological Resources Diploma Program must meet the following to receive admission to the program and priority registration:

Successful applicants must meet individual course prerequisites upon registering. For students who haven't completed Precalculus 12 (with a B or higher) or Chemistry 12 (with a C+ or higher) or Physics 11 (with a C or higher), additional courses may be required to satisfy pre-requisites for required courses in the program.


Calculate your tuition and see the approximate cost of taking your program at Douglas College with the tuition & fee estimator. See costs broken down into categories including tuition fees, textbooks, student activity fees, U-Pass and more. 

For more information, refer to the tuition fee charts

Program Requirements

Curriculum framework

Graduation Requirements:

  • Successful completion of at least 60.00 credits
  • In good academic standing
  • A minimum of 50% (at least 30 credits) must be taken at Douglas College
  • Time limit to complete program graduation requirements: seven (7) years. Any courses completed outside of that time limit will not be usable. Students may seek the permission of the Department/Program to complete a credential outside the approved time limits.
  • Graduate in Good Academic Standing (Cumulative GPA of 1.50 - See Academic Performance Policy)


Course Requirements (see note 1):

Course Number Course Title Credits

Select one course from the following options:

CMNS 1115

Business Communication


ENGL UT (see note 2)

Select one UT ENGL course


Select one course from the following two options:

MATH 1110



MATH 1120

Calculus I


Select one course from the following two options:

PHYS 1107

Introductory General Physics I


PHYS 1110



Select one course from the following two options:

EAES 1120

Introduction to Earth Sciences


GEOG 1120

Introduction to Earth Sciences


Required Courses:

CHEM 1110

The Structure of Matter


EAES 1121

History of the Earth


EAES 1500

Field Methods 1


EAES 1900

Resources from the Earth


EAES 2340

Sedimentology & Stratigraphy


EAES 2400

Introduction to Mineralogy


EAES 2410

Introduction to Petrology


EAES 2500

Field Methods 2


EAES 2550

Structural Geology


EAES 2805 (see note 3)

Resource Deposits and Maps


EAES 2855 (see note 4)
Geological Information Systems 4.00
EAES 2905 (see note 5)
Exploration and Mining  4.00

Total Credits




1. Course offerings are limited, and some courses are offered only once per year or once per two years. Students should therefore plan their courses carefully before registration and in consultation with the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Students should be aware that achieving a specified minimum grade is required for all courses that are pre-requisites.

2. A University Transferable English (ENGL) course is a course that transfers as English credit to one of the Research Universities - SFU, UBC (UBCV or UBCO), UNBC, or UVIC in the BC Transfer Guide.

3. Students who have completed EAES 2800 and EAES 2810 prior to Fall 2024 can substitute these courses for EAES 2805 until January 2032.

4. Students who have completed GEOG 2270 and EAES 2851 prior to Fall 2024 can substitute these courses for EAES 2855 until January 2032.

5. Students who have completed EAES 2900 and EAES 2910 prior to Fall 2024 can substitute these courses for EAES 2905 until January 2032.

Program Guidelines

Program Guidelines for previous years are viewable by selecting the version desired. If you took this program and do not see a listing for the starting semester / year of the program, consider the previous version as the applicable version.

Career Pathways

Career opportunities include:

  • Assistant Environmental Geologist
  • Campground Maintenance, Trail Crew
  • Data Analyst/Technician
  • Data Entry Technician
  • Entry Level Remote Sensing Scientist
  • Environmental Planning Intern
  • Field Research Assistant, Data Entry Technician
  • General Labour - Geologist
  • Geotechnician
  • GIS Data Lab/Office and Research Assistant
  • GIS Technician
  • Junior CAD Technician, CAD Technologist
  • Junior Field Geologist
  • Junior Geochemist (Entry Level)
  • Map Room Clerk
  • Materials Property Specialist